sorry minnie.

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"Cheer up." Ron said to his friend "Snape's always taking points off fred and george -" ron was cut off by nova "ive known them two what a day? and even i know they probably done something to deserve it your their brother ron wake up your common sense." Ron glared at the girl jokingly.  "Can I come as well, Harry?" Nova Asked, giving the small boy a smile harry invited both ron hermione and nova to come and meet hagrid with him he hadn't had friends before maybe these three would change that.

At five the four of them left ,Hagrid lived in a small wooden house at the edge of the forbidden forest it was only a small trek from the castle which nova didn't mind she loved everything about hogwarts she even had an inner debate about making a map of it. when they all arrived at hagrids Harry knocked on the door. They could hear shuffling and barking from behind the door 'back fang back.' Hagrid's face appeared. "hang on a moment back fang." the large man ordered.

The man hagrid motioned for them to all come in and so they did the all stepped into Hagrid's  hut which was Cleary made for a man of hagrids size Nova looked around. Most of the things in the hut were larger than usual due to Hagrid's size larger "make ye selves at home "the half giant told them kindly while he let go of fang.

Hagrid had yet to notice Nova yet as she was the smallest and stood behind everyone that was until fang jumped on the girl making her laugh Hagrid only then noticed her and froze like every other teacher did when they saw the girl. "lily?" Hagrid whispered but they all heard.

"hello sir im Nova evans." She held out her hand but Hagrid hugged her. "I'm sorry you look like someone I used to know," he sniffled on the verge of tears.

"It's fine, I don't mind." she assured him hugging him back. "weren't you that girl I saw with the weasley twins going into the forbidden forest,  who was being carried." hagrid asked a smile coming to his face. "erm maybe." everyone gave her a look so she gave in " fine yes it was me but in my defense fred dared me to ride the stag."

all of them sat there in awe that a girl that size would do something like that "you didn't know i did that did you?" she asked with a look of guilt.

"no." Hagrid chuckled merlin how she reminded him of a certain hazel eyed boy from all those years ago, Harry then proceeded to sit there and tell Hagrid all about Snape's lesson.

"but he seemed to hate me." Harry complained referring to snape. "Rubbish, why should he?" "he liked Nova." Hermione added Nova looked at Harry to see him reading the daily prophet about Gringotts break in.

The next day they had flying lessons which Nova couldn't wait for as she had never had the chance to ride a broom due to her upbringing. madam hooch arrived and had them all stand by a broom "stick your hand over the broom and say up." hooch ordered.

'up.' was heard on the first go Nova got her broom as did draco and harry "now when i blow my whistle kick off from the ground hard keep your brooms steady rise a few feet and come back down on my whistle three two." but Neville had shot off.

"Come back boy." wham everyone heard a nasty crack and neville was laying face down on the ground 'broken wrist' the professor muttered "none of you move while i take this boy to the hospital wing you leave those brooms where they are or you'll be out of hogwarts before you can say quidditch."

Not long after she left, Draco burst out laughing along with other Slytherins "did you see his face, the great lump."

"shut up draco!" Nova shouted at him not bothered if they were friends she was also friends with neville.

"ooh sticking up for longbottom." said pansy Parkinson, a pug-faced slytherin "never thought you would like a fat little cry baby evans."

"i'll show the real cry baby pug face." Nova sneered at the girl with a bob cut. Draco caught everyones attention, "look its that stupid thing longbottoms gran sent him." he said holding up a clear ball shaped object.

Harry potters sister - Nova PotterWhere stories live. Discover now