lupin cottage

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Nova got off Remus and stood up. "It was a dare, that's all I'm saying." she made a zipping motion. "Was it Fred and George again?" Her brother asks. "No, it was peeves this time."

"a true marauder gets along with peeves." Sirius told them all Remus chuckled at the past memories of the marauders and peeves.

"So Nova , what do you like to do?" Sirius asked her he now wore a pair of black pants with a knitted jumper thats was too long his eyes shined brightly. "I like pranking, erm doing dares, potions, dada, care of magical creatures and quidditch."

Sirius smiled at them, "you are so much like your parents."

"Yeah Harry, you're kind and selfless like your mum and you have your dad's smarts no offence." Remus laughed but carried on "Nova you are smart like your mother and act like your father but you both have her kindness." remus looked as if he was thinking of the happiest time in his life.

a few days later they boarded the train remus and sirius were going to meet the twins at the station, Nova still didn't know about meeting them the girl had sat by the twins and lee jordan where they had planned pranks talked about quidditch.

"I'm saying goodbye to dragon. I'll probably see you during summer." all three boys gave her a hug and said their goodbye's.

"hi dragon i've come to say bye oh hi Blaise Theo" she smiled at her friends. "Hi Nova." Draco patted the seat next to him. "So apparently Sirius black is innocent." Blaise told them all,

"I know." Nova smirked at them "he and fessor lupin are my uncle and godfather it turns out pettigrew had framed him and was actually a death eater."

"You never told me that." Draco whined he hated when she kept major things like this away from him it had happened more then once. "Well I only found out a few days ago. Ooh, we're here bye guys."

Draco hugged the girl "See you soon Nova." she then hugged the other two before leaving the compartment. "bye dragon theo blaise."

"Harry, where is your sister?" Sirius stressed he wanted to see his pup. "calm down, padfoot she's probably saying goodbye to friends." Remus assured him. "Last time I saw Nova she was with the twins." Harry told the two men.

Nova rolled her eyes at the men who had yet to realize someone was behind them "no she was with Draco." "Oh ok thanks harry." sirius said still searching remus was the first to realize that wasn't harry and turned around. "Nova!" the girl rolled her eyes smirking you's are stupid aren't you.

the two man instructed each twin to grab an arm nova held onto sirius harry held onto remus and apparated making both feel as if they would be sick they had yet to realise until harry opened his eyes first "woah!" he said staring causing nova to look up too she stared at a cottage covered in vines and flowers it appeared to be quite isolated no one near by she assumed due to sirius furry problem. "its beautiful." remus and sirius smiled softly at their expressions while standing awfully close together but nova didnt say anything. "Its the old lupin cottage but its our home now we'll show you your rooms now." remus told them calmly while sirius looked like a child on christmas he was the first to run upstairs he stood by a door at the top of the stairs Harrys initials were written on a wooden board a snitch carved into it. "harry first." remus opened the door showing off a burgundy painted room with a wooden wardrobe a bed pushed to the wall of a room a desk with a load of personal object such as quidditch posters a radio on his desk books and other stuff they had gone all out. "okay nova's turn." the grown man dragged nova to her room which just like Harry had her own issues on the door who wolves were sage green mirror had been put off a desk and a bed toward just like Harry's there's gone all out with her two putting posters of all her favourite bands and critics teams shed loads of books more than Harry possibly double the amount they they all sat on a long tall bookshelf crushed the back wall all new books had been added to the collection she she still needs other she had a desk "i love it." she told her uncles with a smile she hugged remus who was the closest the man didn't hesitate to hug back he hadn't felt this happy in years he hasn't felt like this since Lily and James were alive when they were all together still "i want a hug." sirius pouted harry hugged his godfather.

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