What's up Nova?

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Cedric stood when he saw Nova enter the room walking over to the boy and wrapping her arms around him cedric was slightly taller. "What's up Nova, do they need us back?" Nova shook her head. "no ced they-" the redhead was cut off by Crouch, McGonagall snape dumbledore igor, mad eye and madam maxine storming into the room.

"Harry Nova, did you put your name in the goblet of fire?" dumbledore shouted "no sir!" the twins said in unison. "Did you ask an older student to do it for you?" "no sir!" both twins told the older man. "Are you sure?" The headmaster asked. "Yes!"

Madam Maxine butted in "well of course they are lying."

igor karkaroff then agreed that they were lying Nova lost it she had enough of her and her brother being called liars.

 "of course were not lying why would we wanna be in this all our lives have ever been are hell we only just got family a real family i lived in abusive house i was beaten black and blue i had to run away before he killed me i only just about got out alive harry was in a home with no love he lived in a cupboard under the stairs we just want to be normal we don't want to be the children who survived or the ones who defeated voldemort we just want our parents but no we don't get that people act like we want fame i would rather have a normal life it has been placed on two children's shoulders we don't want this tournament when one of us die i hope someone is there to tell you i told you so when one of us die you will have to tell our families there children are dead because the adults wanted to be entertained!" Nova shouted at everyone she stormed out the room with tears in her eyes.

McGonagall had tears in her eyes. Snape felt guilty that he had allowed Lily's children in those homes even if he didn't like Harry he still felt guilty cedric had tears running down his face his friend was in a home where she was unloved and her brother. He ran out after her. "Nova!" The girl stopped running when she heard that voice and allowed the hufflepuff boy to pull her into a hug.

"It's going to be ok." He said while stroking her hair.

At breakfast the next day Harry and Nova sat with the twins, and Ron refused to talk with them. dumbledore sat in his usual place when he got a letter which was very odd he had never got one in the hall all of them usually went to his office Nova looked at the letter it was a howler she remembered sending one to people as a prank the letter exploded a loud voice began shouting.

"dumbledore!!" sirius voice exploded into the hall "how could you let the twins compete i swear to merlin i am going to kill you i don't care who you are im going to kill you and moony is no better do you know what happens when a werewolf's cub is in danger you have an azkaban escapee and werewolf who are going to kill you!!" remus voice was then heard "you senile fool you are going to kill children for games where you dropped on the head cause if not ill drop you on your head try give you some sense!" remus finished with a growl sirius began speaking "Oh by the way prongslet, cub we love you so much moony is sending chocolate soon and zonkos stuff love padfoot and moony."

Nova and Harry were red in the face "potters," the Weasley twins both said "did that" George said " just say" Fred carried on "padfoot and moony" they both finished. "oh yeah why?" Nova asked.

"you know who the marauders are?" both weasley twins shouted. "Yeah, didn't Nova tell you?" Harry asked. "no she didn't." the older twins gave a joking glare.

"oh well padfoot is sirius moony is remus wormtail is peter pettigrew and prong is." Both Potter twins spoke at the same time. "Our dad James potter."

"what?" the older boy shouted, gaining attention from a lot of students and some teachers.

Nova was sat in the kitchens with cedric Harry had went to meet with Hagrid over something. "So Nova, have you figured out the first task yet?" "No ced if i had you would know as well anyway enough about the tournament are you excited to graduate next year?" "Yep but I'm going to miss you."

"Aww i'll miss you too don't worry i'll visit you all the time." The girl went to lift her hand up to ruffle his hair but she knocked her glass she went to grab it but it was on the verge of hitting the ground it suddenly just stopped.

"What did you do ced?" she asked stunned. "Nothing, I think that was you Nova." The two students dropped the subject and went their separate ways.

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