the sword of gryffindor

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Nova was leading the group while Harry and Ron stayed close to Lockhart "This way." They stopped when they saw a discolored material it looked like snake skin. "What is this?" Ron questioned, looking at it in disgust. "It looks like a snake. Bloody hell." He cursed.

"This must be 60 feet long." Harry told them in disbelief. Nova turned around when she heard a thud Lockhart had passed out and rolled her eyes at the coward.

"Heart of a lion, this one." Ron pointed out it happened to quickly Lockhart's hand shot up grabbing Ron's wand he pointed it at the children "Venture ends here, children, but don't fret. The world will know our story how I was too late to save the girl. How you three tragically lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body." He told them pointing the want at them he was going to obliviate them all. "You first, Miss Potter. Say goodbye. To your memories." he cast the spell which backfired due to Ron's wand being broken rocks began collapsing forming a barrier between them nova was the only one capable of getting to ginny.

Lockhart was still just as useless without his memories "you two try move all the rocks i'll go get ginny." Before they could respond she had run off.

She ran until she reached a door with snakes on it 'open' she hissed and it did as told. As she entered the chamber she noticed Ginny's body laying in the middle of the floor unmoving she ran towards it as fast as she could.

When she reached her friend, Nova knelt beside the girl shaking her "Please don't be dead. Wake up ginny. Wake up. Please wake up." Nova begged.

"She won't wake." Nova jumped when she heard the voice. "Tom Tom Riddle?" she recognized him from the diary her and harry had found but how was he here how was he so young. "What do you mean she won't wake up? She's not-" Tom began walking towards her. Something was wrong and she got that dark feeling just like she did last year when Voldemort was around.

"She's still alive. But only just." was all he said. "Are you a ghost?" she asked the older boy. "A mere memory preserved in a diary for 50 years."

Nova dropped her wand and grabbed her friend's hand "She's as cold as ice. Please don't be dead. Wake up. You've got to help me tom this basilisk-" Tom cut her off "It won't come until it's called." Nova looked up from Ginny "Give me my wand, Tom." she demanded darkly.

"You won't be needing it." "Listen, I don't know who you are or what your up to but i've gotta save her." Nova said while standing up coming face to face with riddle.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Nova. You see, as poor Ginny grows weaker. I grew stronger. Yes, Harry, it was Ginny Weasley who opened the Chamber of Secrets." "Not willingly , she couldn't. She wouldn't." "It was Ginny who set the basilisk on the mud Bloods and Filches Cat's Ginny who wrote the threatening messages on the walls." "Why?"

"Because I told her too. I find I can be very persuasive. Not that she knew what she was doing. She was, shall we say, in a kind of trance. Still, the power of the diary began to scare her and she tried to dispose of it in the girls bathroom. And then. Who should find it but you and your brother? The very people I was most anxious to meet."

"But why did you want to meet us?" she queried

"I knew I had to talk to you. Meet you if I could. So I decided to show you my capture of that brainless oaf, Hagrid, to gain your trust." "Hagrid is my friend. And you framed him." she sneered at the older man.

"it was my word against hagrids. Only Dumbledore seemed to think he was innocent." "But Dumbledore so right through you," she grinned knowing his plan didn't work all those years ago. "he certainly did keep an annoyingly close watch on me after that. I knew it wouldn't be safe to open the chamber again while I was still at school, so I decided to leave behind a diary, preserving my 16 year old self in its pages so that one day I would be able to lead another to finish Salazar Slytherin's noble work."

Harry potters sister - Nova PotterWhere stories live. Discover now