''Please Kill Me''

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Summary: You are pushed to do horrible things with your powers and the guilt consumes you. You beg SHIELD to kill you when you run into them, but Daisy sees part of herself in you and offers you a place to stay.

Saw this dialogue prompt on Pinterest but not sure if I like how it turned out. Please keep sending in requests because I need inspiration :)

The beautiful brunette in front of you had you pinned against the wall, keeping you there by putting pressure on your throat with her powers. 

There was anger in her eyes but also satisfaction they had finally caught you. The rest of her team was putting down the last of your team mates, if that was what you could even call them. They were assigned to go with you, that was all. You didn't feel any connection to them. 

In fact, you hadn't felt a connection to anyone or anything for months.

After HYDRA snatched you off the street a year ago for your powers, you had wished they would've just killed you instead. However you had kept fighting, even if you didn't want to. Hoping that one day, you'll be able to go back to your mother. 

She had only one daughter, no other family. You were the light of her life but that all crumbled when you disappeared, never to be seen again.

You had held on for her, but after months of killing innocent, good people, you were convinced you didn't deserve her. She deserved better.

Daisy was surprised to see there was no anger in your eyes as you stared at her. Instead, there was sadness and desperation. What shocked her even more was when you choked out, ''Please kill me.''.

She faltered in her movements and eventually let you go. That pain in your voice she knew all too well. Not too long ago, she was feeling the exact same thing as you. She was the one convinced she didn't deserve to live, didn't deserve forgiveness.

Coulson had heard the words too and stopped next to Daisy, sharing a look with her before looking at you. 

You stood with your back against the wall, eyes flickering everywhere but at the people in front of you. You could easily make a run for it, throw them to the side with your powers, but you were done fighting. If they decided to kill you, so be it.

''Please just do it,'' you begged them. 

Coulson watched you closely, reading your body language. ''Could be a trick,'' he mumbled to Daisy so you couldn't hear him.

But Daisy shook her head. ''I don't think so,'' she whispered back. ''I've been where she is. I know her pain. She's not faking this.''

Her heart hurt, seeing you so empty and finished with life. You must have gone through Hell. SHIELD had been chasing your for a couple weeks, never coming close enough to capture you. 

She had judged you for your actions but didn't think for one second they may not be of your free will.

Coulson nodded, trusting his Agent's judgement. ''What do you want to do?''

Daisy stared at you, something that made you slightly uncomfortable. ''I say we take her in. She's powerful, we could use her.''

''All right,'' Coulson gave in, ''but you're responsible.''

''I'll take that chance,'' Daisy responded, turning back to you. 

But her way of approaching you was a little too aggressive.

''Don't,'' you warned Daisy when she stepped forward, raising your hand threateningly. You didn't want her to touch you. Enough people had handled you roughly in the past and you didn't trust anyone anymore. 

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