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Summary: it is Christmas in the SHIELD base and you and Daisy are decorating the common area and possibly pulling some pranks. Takes place between seasons 2 en 3.

''You know, I've never had a Christmas tree before.''

Even between missions and everything that had been going on, you and Daisy had found the time to decorate the common area, since nobody else seemed to care about Christmas. You had grabbed a car before and actually driven into town to get everything you needed. 

Since Daisy had never stayed at a foster family long enough to actually celebrate the holiday, it was her first time decorating a tree. Her eyes had been shining the entire day ever since you woke her up saying Coulson granted you permission to go into town and get the decorations. 

Mack had offered to go with to carry the tree, but you and Daisy had managed to get it into the back of the van yourselves with lots of laughing fits and weird stares from other people in the parking lot. But today, you didn't care about any of that, because your girlfriend had never shined so much as today.

Unfortunately, the city hadn't been blessed with any snow yet, but that didn't dampen the holiday mood. Daisy's short hair peeked out from under a warm beanie because of the cold outside and you had made her some hot chocolate when you made it back to base. 

Agents had thrown you an even weirder look when you two dragged the real tree through the hallways, leaving behind needles and dirt. You planted it in the middle of the room, making sure it stood up straight and was secure on the base. 

Currently, Daisy stood on a chair from the dining table and was decorating the top part of the tree, while you were doing the bottom. It was probably the most mismatched and messy tree ever, but it was yours and that was what was important.

''You haven't?'' you asked her, stopping with what you were doing and looking up.

''No, I never stayed somewhere long enough.''

You stared at her, feeling the sudden shift in atmosphere. But you also knew that it wasn't something that should be talked about today. Today was a happy day. ''You didn't have a mini-Christmas tree in your van? Seems like something you would do,'' you teased her.

She turned to you, laughing and rolling her eyes. This was the Daisy you wanted to see.

''No I did not, although that would have been funny.'' She stepped off the chair, taking a couple steps back to observe her work. She carefully studied the tree, tilting her head and walking around it. She wanted it to be perfect.

She spotted an area she wasn't happy with and grabbed some more ornaments, dragging the chair around to the other side. You just stood there, watching her work. When she felt your eyes on her, she spoke up. ''What are you smiling at?''

''You. You're shining almost as bright as the lights in that tree and I love it.''

She blushed, stepping off the chair and moving towards you. You wrapped your arms around her neck, pulling her closer. You held her gaze, her brown eyes the only thing that mattered. Looking up, you scrunched your nose in disappointment. ''We are missing a mistletoe.''

''You don't need a mistletoe to kiss me,'' she whispered, cupping your cheeks and pulling you in for a kiss. The hot chocolate she had before was still lingering on her lips. 

This time, it was you who had red cheeks when she pulled away. She chuckled at your flustered state before letting you go and doing a turn of the room. ''It isn't Christmass-y enough. It needs more garlands and fake snow.'' She pulled more glittering garlands from a box and started putting them in random places. On top of the kitchen cabinets, the coffee table and even wrapped them around the chairs.

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