Marry Me?

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Summary: you ask Daisy to marry you on a whim and completely out of nowhere. This might be a little cringy but I did my best to make it really fluffy. Enjoy!

For a normal person, the bright light from the sun streaming through the bedroom window, seeping through the gaps in the blinds, would be a good reason to wake up. To you, living in an undergroud, secret SHIELD base with practically no windows meant that wasn't the case.

So what did wake you up? The loud voices from agents passing your bedroom door and their heavy footsteps walking back and forth. 

As soon as Daisy noticed you were awake, she whispered in your ear. ''Good morning beautiful.'' Her voice was still foggy and thick from the sleep, which was a beautiful sound to you. 

You groaned, turning around and burying yourself into her side. ''Morning,'' you mumbled into her shoulder. You hated waking up, despite it not being that early. Surprisingly, no one had come knocking at your door, yelling at you to wake up. 

Working hours were very random and variated per day. Sometimes, you were up at 8:30 and other days an emergency caused you to be needed in Coulson's office at 4 A.M.. But whatever the time, the Director never seemed to sleep. He was just always there.

Daisy chuckled at your performance, her laugh filling your ears, which actually caused you to smile. She was the best thing to wake up to.

''I am afraid duty is calling,'' she laughed, although she made no move to get out of bed or push you away.

You had closed your eyes and was almost back to sleep, the warmth of her body making you sleepy. ''Just one more minute.''

''Every time you say that, it turns into a half hour.'' She tried removing your arm from her waist, but you wouldn't budge one inch. ''Y/N,'' she chuckled.

When she tried to move again, you climbed on top of her to trap her there, your hands on both sides of her head. Automatically, her own hands moved to your hips. 

Daisy looked absolutely gorgeous in the faint light of the room. Her dark eyes were intense as they stared up at you and her messy hair was as shiny as ever. 

Completely captured in each other, you stared at each other for a while. Neither saying anything. Your breaths mixed in the small space between you as you listened to the sounds outside the room. All you were aware off was each other.

''Beautiful,'' you muttered to yourself, right before you dove into a kiss. It was sweet and full of love. When you pulled back from her, you whispered the words you had been meaning to say for weeks but had never actually had the guts to.

''Marry me.''

It didn't come out as a question and this wasn't how you meant to ask it, but the moment felt right and in your line of work, the next day wasn't guaranteed. You didn't want to wait anymore.

Daisy's eyes widened in shock. That was probably the last thing she had expected to come out of your mouth. ''What?'' she asked, completely caught off guard.

''I have been meaning to ask you that for weeks, but I chickened out every time.'' You rolled of off her, reaching for your nightstand where you had hid the ring you had bought her a couple weeks ago with Jemma's help. 

How Jemma had kept it a secret was a miracle, but you were glad she did because the look on Daisy's face was priceless. She had sat up against the headboard, still completely stunned by what you just asked her.

With the small box in your hand, you crept back on her lap, opening the box in the small space between you to show the simple but beautiful ring. A gasp escaped her lips when Daisy saw it and you could see the tears filling her eyes.

''So, Daisy Johnson, will you do me the biggest honor and marry me?''

''Yes,'' she breathed, hardly audible. She tore her eyes away from the jewelry, meeting your own eyes that were shining with tears. ''Yes, a thousand times yes.'' Her strong arms wrapped around your neck and pulled you against her. 

You were both laughing in disbelief while crying at the same time. You couldn't believe she just said yes and Daisy couldn't believe you asked her to marry you. Never in a million years did she expect that, but there was nothing else she would want.

You gently held her shaky left hand and slid the ring around her ring finger. There was a silence as both of you stared at it, feeling this was exactly right and how it was supposed to be. 

There were more tears as Daisy pulled you in for another hug. Her brown hair tickled your bare shoulder and her breath was shaky from crying. Both of you just completely relaxed into each other, feeling at ease with each other and the happiness radiating off you.

''I love you,'' you whispered in her ear.

''I love you, too.'' The words never failed to make your heart beat faster and in that moment you knew you had made the right decision by asking this woman to marry you. There was no one else you wanted to spend your life with, to wake up to every morning and eventually grow old with. 

You sat there for ages, just lost into each other. But when the noise outside of your room got louder -a sign that more and more agents were getting up- you knew you had to get out there soon, before anyone came barging in. ''We should probably get up now,'' you muttered reluctantly, not wanting this moment to end. 

Daisy's answer had you chuckling. ''Just one more minute.''

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