I have loved you for a while

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Summary request: Daisy loses Lincoln and mourns him. Unable to deal with the grief, she leaves, not knowing it breaks your heart because you have secretly been in love with her for months. When she finally comes back to SHIELD after months of being on her own, you tell her how you feel, completely surprising her. You have powers a bit like Wanda's, but without the mind tricks. So a kind of telekinesis.

Hope this was something like you imagined :) Loved writing this, which you can probably see from the length of this chapter haha.

Things had gone downhill ever since Lincoln had come to live on the base and be a SHIELD Agent. Not for the team or the organization, no for you. Because he had the one thing you had wanted for months: Daisy Johnson.

Not that she was anyone's possession, but he was the one who got to kiss her and call her their girlfriend. You could punch yourself for waiting too long to tell her how you felt and then he came and swept her right off her feet. 

You had never seen her happier, which only hurt more. And the worst thing of all was, he was nice and very hard to be mean to. And you weren't that bitch who would ignore him and hate him because you were jealous, although it did sting and you kept your distance.

When they were training together and you only noticed when you walked into the gym, you made a full turn and came back an hour later when they were gone. You couldn't sit down and enjoy your evening with friends if they were both there. You would laugh and smile along and it would be fine as long as they didn't show any affection or PDA. 

Daisy had started to notice fairly quickly and one day caught up with you when you left the Friday evening gathering early again. She had called your name, a frown on her face as you turned around, trying to act normal. You had always used the same excuse: you were tired or didn't feel well. 

Whenever Lincoln was not around and it was just you and her, those were the best moment of the day. Even if the both of you were going through files in silence or she was busy with her laptop while you were writing reports. It was always easy with her, the joking, the conversations and you were the one she came to when something was bothering her or she needed help with something.

So you were absolutely devastated when she got swayed by HIVE and disappeared for weeks. You worked tirelessly trying to find her, since Lincoln was in quarantine too and was unable to help because of his weakened immune system. He had tested a cure for Inhumans, the same cure that had made Daisy so furious. Despite the difficulties you had had with your powers in the beginning, you had to side with her on this one, it was not a disease.

But if you thought those days were bad, then you hadn't prepared for this moment.

You ran into the control center of the Zephyr a little later than the others, having to finish off a couple of HIVE's disgusting pig-like bald slaves, only to see the rest of the team frozen in their places and a broken voice come from somewhere you didn't see.

''Lincoln, I can't take it if you-'' A shaky breath and a small sob. ''You can't do this.'' 

And that's when you understood who was in the Quinjet that just took off. Without waiting for the rest to move, you sprinted towards the controls and tried to get the jet to turn back. Losing Lincoln would break Daisy, shatter her heart in a million pieces right after it grew the happiest it had ever been.

''I wouldn't have thought so either, but here I am.''

You tried everything to connect with the Quinjet while your heart broke with every word Daisy mumbled into the radio. ''No, you ca- you ca- you can't do this. Not like this. I can't just ... I can't just say goodbye. I ... I have too much I want to say.''

Daisy Johnson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now