What if...(Part 3)

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Part three! Thanks for suggesting. Let me know if you want a part four or if you have other suggestions!

It wasn't that late when you arrived at your apartment. Nobody was home, which made you both nervous and hopeful. Maybe Daisy and Jemma had found a way out of this mind prison, or maybe they were caught by HYDRA on their way here. Only one way to find out.

You sat down on your bed, opening the work laptop and browsing the database. There was nothing about Daisy or you, only the warrant concerning Jemma that was already out. No new pictures or data from this night. 

It was a long night, one where you didn't sleep as you hoped somebody would come home. That didn't happen however, so you spent it researching Simmons, Coulson and the other names Daisy had given you. 

Your phone burned in your pocket the whole night, begging you to call your girlfriend to know if she was okay. But it was too much of a risk still. Hell, walking into HQ tomorrow like nothing had happened was a big risk. What if someone had spotted you in aiding Jemma?

You grabbed the keys from Daisy's car, two cars was more practical than one, and drove back to HQ. It was around half past seven in the morning, but that wasn't an unusual time to go to work. Working at HYDRA wasn't a nine to five job, in fact, it wasn't uncommon for you to pull an all-nighter if a case intrigued you too much to back away.

To your relief, no alarms went off and no weird looks were thrown your way as you made the journey from the front door, through the lobby, to your desk. When you almost made it, a unit of highly trained agents walked past in the hallway, going the opposite way. That was quite normal, but everything put you on edge.

You rushed to your computer, looking for the order that was put through last. The order for this specific unit.

Your heart stopped. 

They were picking up Phil Coulson, the teacher Jemma had visited and was apparently your leader. You thought back to Daisy's words, that anyone who would die in here, would die in real life. 

Your hands shook when you finally pulled the phone out of your pocket, diving into a quiet part of HQ where you knew the cameras recorded no audio. You hoped Daisy was still in the Framework, otherwise it would be only you against HYDRA, protecting a teacher, a man you didn't know. 

Daisy answered on the third ring, her voice relieved. ''Y/N. Are you okay?''

Originally you were going to ask what version of your girlfriend you were talking to, the one from real life or the Framework one, but the relief in her voice was enough to identify her. 

''I'm okay,'' you whispered into the phone. The cameras might not catch your voice, but the nosy ears of passers-by did. ''I'm at work but something is wrong. They're sending a unit to pick up Phil Coulson.''

It was silent on the other side of the line before Daisy muttered something to someone. ''You're gonna need a substitute.''

''Wait. You're with him?'' You ducked further into the corner of the hallway, trying to hide the anxiety from your co-workers. ''You have to get out of there right now.'' You ordered, scared they would find her with him. ''Go back to the apartment, I'll text you a place and time to meet one of my contacts. Please go there, don't try to do something stupid. I'll stay here, keep an eye on things. ''

Without waiting for her answer, knowing she would try and protest again, you ended the call. It was highly suspicious how you had reacted on the phone. But then again, conversations at HYDRA got heated more often.

Not even an hour later however, Daisy marched into the workspace, clearly on a mission. You spotted her immediately, as if you had a sixth sense for her presence. Trying not to be too obvious, you stalked over, hanging over her desk chair. 

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