Unwanted Guests (Part 4)

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The grand finale! Already had this finished but just needed to read it over once so here you go, an extra chapter today. Really loved this mini-series. I'll do the requested sequels to the Framework storyline next :)

She did kick your ass, more than once. Not that that really bothered or surprised you in the least. Besides, she did cheat every now and then, using her powers to block the fist coming for her face. 

You loved spending time with her, and the fighting let you get closer to her both mentally and physically. Over the course of days, you noticed she would sit a little bit closer to you and kept touching you to grab your attention or if she was telling you something. Little touches on the shoulder and arms. It gave you the confidence to do the same while you grew more and more confident.

You didn't spend the entire days with her. Of course you both needed some time for yourself too and she was also busy working on other missions as well and keeping an eye out for new ones. It allowed you to understand better how SHIELD worked and where you could fit in. And Daisy was happy to show you the ropes, how missions were planned and what things they paid attention to.

It was fascinating to listen to her talk, you could do that for hours. You went to bed later and later every day, every time starting up a new movie after one had finished. You may or may not have finished Mack's stock of beer from the fridge. Over the course of days of course, not in one day.

You were constantly laughing because her humor was so dry and sarcastic and she could tell stories like no one else. Of course both of you were extremely anxious about the rest of the team. They hadn't checked in yet, but that wasn't abnormal. No news was good news, right?

Four days passed. On the fifth day, you did something you shouldn't have done. 

You left the base. 

You thought you could, that you would be fine for a couple minutes just to get some fresh air and pick up some snacks from the nearby corner store. You had snuck out without Daisy noticing. She was the one reponsible for you, since you weren't a SHIELD Agent officially, but she had probably never expected you to leave the safety of the building.

You had been smart enough to go after dark, when there would be less people. It was drizzling, the wind blowing the tiny raindrops into your face. Luckily, you were prepared, your jacket having a hood which you also used to stay more hidden. 

The bell ringed when the door opened, diverting your attention from the chocolate you were holding, to the three large guys walking in. They meant trouble, you saw immediately, but the front door they were blocking was the only way in or out. 

They had you surrounded within seconds and while you tried to fight your way out, they were way too strong and fast. The old lady in the store was panicking and was not much help, so eventually you got knocked out.


It was around eight when Daisy knocked on the door of your bedroom, where she thought you had gone after dinner, but nobody answered and when she pushed the door open, you weren't there. She didn't grow worried directly. There were lots of other places you could be. 

But when you didn't turn up anywhere. Not at the gym, the kitchen, Coulson's office or even May's room, she knew something was wrong. 

Luckily, it was easy enough for her to check the base's security feed. And when she saw you sneaking out about one and a half hours prior without returning, she knew it was bad. You wouldn't leave without taking anything with you, which meant you only went outside for a little air or to run an errand. 

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