Unwanted Guests (Part 2)

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Here's part two! Again, very extended but I love writing this so :) Hope you liked it too. 

You couldn't help but look around the base with wide eyes. It was exactly as you had imagined but better. It was dark, mysterious and filled with serious people who all had a job to do. 

On the way to Coulson's office, you passed a big lab with expensive looking equipment. Behind you, a large guy named Mack split from the group and went in, possibly to retrieve some people for the meeting that was happening to discuss your situation. 

You felt as if you were bothering everyone. They probably had better things to do than help a woman whose home had been broken into. But at the same time, they all found it really important because you were family, even if some of them didn't know that yet. 

Since you were clearly the center of attention, you chose your place in the office based on that, leaning against the desk with your arms crossed, ready to answer every question they would throw at you. 

As suspected, Mack came back with two other people, both of them smiling kindly but also weirded out. Mack had told them who you were and like the others, they were shook to the bone.

Daisy sat behind you in Coulson's leather chair, her feet up on the desk and a tablet in her hands. She was already busy with... whatever it was she was doing. Looking for evidence or clues who the men were that stormed your house and where they had gone maybe? It is what you would do.

''So, spit it out,'' you joked, feeling their questions hang in the air.

''How old are you?'' the kind woman who walked in with Mack asked immediately, slightly embarrassed when she realized how quickly she had said it. 

You smiled at her kindly. ''27, 28 in April.'' You saw her do the math, trying to figure out how old Melinda would have been and realizing you were around her age.

''Where have you been hiding this entire time?'' the man next to her asked, fascinated by your existence. He stood close to the woman, making you believe they were very close and more than friends. 

You thought back to your childhood, how you were living with your grandparents when your mother had to go on missions. Until she stopped field work and started working behind a desk, then you lived with her permanently. That was during high school. ''My grandparents mostly, until I went to college across the country and came back to work here.''

''What kind of work do you do?'' Mack this time.

''Believe it or not, but she teaches English at a high school,'' Daisy chimed in from behind you, her smile audible in her voice. ''But don't worry, she knows how to kick ass just as good as May.''

You turned around halfway, just enough so you could send her a playful glare. ''You wanna test that theory?'' you asked playfully.

''You say it, we'll go a few rounds,'' Daisy answered cockily. 

The rest of the team looked at the interaction, confused at what was going on. It looked like you two knew each other longer than just two hours.

''So why are you here now?'' Fitz asked, unsure why you would come here after all these years and blow your cover. 

''My house was broken into professionally. Six men inside, two on watch at the back and probably also two in front. Heavy armor, big guns, knew exactly who I was.''


''Pretty sure I can answer that question for you.'' Daisy stood from her chair, walking over to the screen on the wall in front. With a few taps on her tablet, an image appeared there. ''This is satellite imaging from the time of the break in,'' she explained. And indeed, it was the top of your house in surprisingly good quality. 

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