Unwanted Guests (Part 1)

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Summary: @Tremors196 gave me this idea and I immediately loved it. Broke it up into multiple parts cause it's quite long. Will publish them seperately and spread over the week I think :) Oh and I know these are quite extended and detailled but I can't write more condensed. 

You're May's daughter although nobody knows that since you're not in SHIELD. One day, your house gets intruded by HYDRA because they found out who you are. Now, you need help and where else can you go then to the one organization your mother desperately wanted to keep you out of?

You had your mother's confidence and ''bad-assery'' as you liked to call it, although you couldn't tell anyone that. They weren't supposed to know who she was, so you gave your friends the fake last name you carried.

Already out of college, you had a nice, well-paying job in a medium sized city. It wasn't Chicago or Austin, but it was big enough to permanently own a metro card. You lived in the suburbs, the busy city center not for you. You liked the peace and quiet, opening your balcony doors in the morning and hearing the birds sing.

This morning - or night actually - it wasn't so peaceful in your neighborhood. 

All your life, you had wanted to follow in your mother's footsteps, become the amazing Agent she was, but she refused to enroll you in the Academy. You getting harmed was her greatest fear and she wanted so keep you away from the dangers and the horrors she had seen in her lifetime. 

At first you had protested, begged and yelled. But as you grew older, you understood her reasoning and found yourself interested in English literature. So now you were an English teacher at one of the high schools in the city. 

You loved your job with nice colleagues and fun, but sometimes annoying, young adults. It was probably for the better those kids didn't know you were excellent at martial arts, something Melinda insisted you learn so you could at least protect yourself. 

She had also taught you the basics of spy work. How to tell if someone was lying, noticing things other people didn't, always be alert. A gun she had never let you touch though. And to be honest, you didn't want to.

You were awake a second before your front door was kicked in and heavy footsteps filled the hall down below. You wasted no time, pulling on the shoes next to your bed. There was no time to grab a jacket, so you hoped the joggers and sweater you wore would be warm enough this cold winter night.

There was a backup plan. Of course you had established one. With your mother's dangerous work, undoubtedly your cover would be blown at some point, enemies of SHIELD coming for you. You were prepared, always, and that came in real handy now.

You rushed out of your room, snuck over the landing to the second bedroom in the back of the house. There, you opened the window while simultaneously listening to the people in the house. There must have been at least six of them. Heavy boots so military trained, probably with large guns. 

Behind your house was an extension of the kitchen below, the roof of that only a meter below your feet as you sat in the window frame.

The gravel on the roof made little noise when you landed on it, exactly as you wanted, and walked to the edge of it. From there, it was only eight feet down. However, as you peeked over the edge, you saw two men on watch, there to catch you if you decided to make a run for it, which was exactly what you were doing.

You wanted to turn back, but the boots were on the stairs now so there was only one solution: fight. 

You dropped from the roof onto the first man, arms around his neck before he had registered what was going on. Using his body as a shield, you waited until he passed out before dropping him all at once and moving for the second guy. 

Daisy Johnson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now