Sneaking Around

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Summary: nobody in the base knows you and Daisy are dating so you sneak around and try not to get caught, but when you show up with hickeys on your neck, it is kind of hard to hide it.

I have to give credit where it is due. I pulled inspiration from @betterthanwakingup 's Agents of SHIELD book. I loved her Daisy chapters so definitely check that out!

You gave Daisy one last kiss and closed her bedroom door behind you. Scanning the hallway and making sure nobody was there, you trailed back to your own bedroom. With your boots in your hands so you made less noise on the hard floor and echoing hallways, you took the corners, every time peeking around them first.

Honestly, you had no idea how the sneaking around started and why you were still doing it. It was clear you both liked each other and were in a real relationship, but just hadn't told the rest of the team. Although they are sharp so they must be suspecting something by now.

With your relationship a secret, it was just so much more free and casual and you liked that light-heartedness. It had been going on for months now though and at this point, you didn't really care anymore if anyone found out. It had turned more into a game to see how long you could keep doing this.

You made it back to your room without running into anyone, which wasn't really a surprise because it was almost two A.M.. Daisy knew how to keep you busy.

You groaned when your alarm went off at six and got ready to jump into the shower to wake up fully. As you passed the mirror, you stopped dead in your tracks.

There on your neck, definitely too high and too many to hide with a turtleneck, sat a lot of hickeys. 

You silently cursed Daisy, wondering how the hell you were going to hide these. You always made sure to leave your marks on places she could cover up and she pulls a stunt like this. 

The thing was, you also had a group meeting with the entire team. No way Coulson or May wouldn't notice the purple stains on your light skin, but there was really nothing you could do about it. You didn't have any makeup in your room good for covering it up so you just had to go with it. 

You put on the highest turtleneck you had in your closet, but even from a distance, anyone who payed enough attention could see it.

With your head down and a fast pace, avoiding any members of your team, you rushed back to the room you sneaked out of not even five hours ago.

''Daisy Johnson!'' You busted in without knocking, since this was also almost your room too.

Daisy stood in front of her own mirror in jeans and a tank top, drying her hair. Her skin was as empty as ever, knowing you put your hickeys somewhere else that was covered by clothing.

You pulled your collar down in a dramatic fashion, aggressively pointing at it with your free hand. ''Look at what you did to me last night.''

She looked at it innocently, suppressing her laugh. ''I think it looks nice. There's definitely a few good ones.''

You glared at her, letting your collar go. ''You are the worst.'' You paced the bedroom while Daisy just stared at you amused. ''How the hell am I going to hide these?''

Daisy shrugged casually. ''Maybe they won't notice.''

You turned to her, staring at her dryly. ''Really? May not noticing?''

''Yeah maybe not,'' Daisy chuckled, pulling her sweater over her head, followed by her leather jacket. She looked amazing as ever and you were a real sucker for that leather jacket.

''Just you wait, I'll get you back.''

''Hear who's talking,'' she chuckled, grabbing her phone and stuffing it in her pocket. ''What are you going to do, huh? Push me away next time?'' she challenged, knowing you better than you thought. ''You and I both know you can't resist me kissing your neck.''

To demonstrate what she meant, Daisy walked up to you, pulling you close, and trailed her lips over your neck. Instinctively, you tilted your head back to give her easier access. It wasn't long before you caught yourself, cursing and pushing her away. You really couldn't resist her.

Daisy just stood there, laughing at your embarrassed face. A knock on her door interrupted the moment and you were grateful you were no longer the subject of the conversation.

''Daisy, Coulson wants everyone in his office in five.''

''Be right there!'' Daisy called back, waiting for May's footsteps to disappear until turning to you.

''Let's go.''

''But-'' you protested, still not sure what to do.

''Screw it, let them know.''

You smiled at her, happy you were finally telling the others. ''Alright.''

You followed Daisy to Coulson's office, feeling like every Agent you passed was staring at you but that was just your imagination. 

Everyone else was already there, you and Daisy the last ones to arrive. Immediately, you knew you were screwed because when you stood next to Jemma, her excellent doctor's eye landing on your neck immediately.

''Are those hickeys? Y/N.'' She wiggled her eyebrows, impressed you were getting some action. 

Of course, everyone else heard and all eyes snapped to you. Not knowing what to say or do, your face turning red, you betrayed yourself by looking to Daisy for help, who was smirking smugly.

''Wait, wait, wait.'' Mack snapped his head back and forth between you and Daisy, suspecting something was going on there. ''That was you?''

''Took you long enough to figure out,'' Daisy teased. 

Mack was in complete shock, but the good kind of shock. ''How long has this been going on for?''

It wasn't Daisy or you who answered him, but May, to your surprise. ''A couple months.'' The tiniest of smiles told you both she was happy for you and Daisy. May didn't like many people so that was quite an accomplishment.

''Wait, you knew and didn't say anything?'' Daisy looked at her confused.

May shrugged. ''I wanted to see when you would finally tell everyone. Took longer than I expected.''

''How did you know?'' You asked her, curious to see what gave it away. Maybe she had seen you sneak out a couple times, which could be possible because her room was next to Daisy's, but you didn't think so. 

But her answer embarrassed both you and Daisy so much you wanted to sink through the floor. ''The walls are very thin.''

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