The Simmons Sibling

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Summary request: you are Jemma's sibling and she knows you have feelings for Daisy so she tells you to ask her out. 

Thank you for the request. Loved this idea. Hope it was what you hoped for ;) Anyone want to request something, just DM me or leave a comment. 

You and Jemma didn't differ much in age, not even a year separated the two of you, but she always bragged about being older. Like her, you joined SHIELD. However, she did it as a biologist and you as a specialist on all things alien. Both artifacts, history, and biology. Alien life was your specialty. 

That's why you were called into SHIELD to assist with the growing Inhuman ''problem''. You have been studying the Inhumans for years and knew everything about them. Maybe that's why Daisy often found herself trailing around you in her free time. You held the secrets to her existence and she was beyond fascinated with your existence. 

Jemma had told her she had a younger sibling, but that was all. No pictures, not much stories, only your name and what you did within SHIELD. She and you were a little different. You loved joking around and was maybe a little less serious than Jemma. However, you were just as confident and smart. All these qualities made you a very attractive and overall a pleasant person to be around.

In the three months you had been at the base (you traveled back and forth between different bases, wherever your expertise was needed), you had developed strong feelings for the sarcastic, always smiling brunette Agent. How could you not? How could anyone not fall for her? 

You loved telling Daisy stories about the Kree, about the Inhumans and about whatever other planets and races she wanted to hear about. The Asgardians she was also particularly interested in. The rest of the team could also be found joining in on story time, which was in the evening most of the time, on the couches in the common room with tea or coffee.

You had seen the smug looks Jemma had thrown you every time you were with Daisy. At first you didn't understand them but pretty soon you figured it out. Somehow, she had noticed you liked Daisy before you knew it yourself. It was really annoying to have a sister who was perfect at reading people. 

Tonight, you weren't gathered on the couch, instead you were helping Jemma with some kind of investigation she requested your help on. She did most of the work, which led you to believe she had something else in mind. 

''So how are you settling in here?'' she not-so-subtly asked as she worked on her experiment, safely glasses on her face and gloves on her hands. You loved seeing her so concentrated and working on the thing she loved most. 

You groaned inwardly, hearing the underlaying tone there. ''Jem, you don't have to be the protective older sister. I can take care of myself.''

''I know, but I care about you, so talk.'' She gestured with her hand, but you weren't falling into her trap. 

You threw her a playful glare. ''I know what you're aiming for, but I won't give you the satisfaction of talking about it.''

The corners of her mouth tugged up and she was careful not to look at you. It would betray her. ''I have no idea what or who you're talking about.''

''Jemma.'' You dragged out the last syllable of her name, trying to hide your face in your hands. Your ears got warm and you were sure they were red of embarrassment. You hated talking about your relationships. For some reason it embarrassed you. Really weird when you have talked to the biggest names within SHIELD without any trouble: Fury, Coulson, Hill, but couldn't talk about this. 

''What?'' Jemma asked innocently, now full on smiling. ''We can discuss my love live but not yours?''

You raised an eyebrow. The sides of Jemma's glasses blocked you from seeing her eyes, which was annoying. ''When did we ever discuss yours?''

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