Cuts And Bruises

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Summary request: Can you do a chapter where the reader is in an abusive relationship and Daisy sees and comforts the reader? Thank you for requesting and I hope it is something like you imagined. With that, this is also a warning there will be abuse in this chapter. 

You didn't live in the SHIELD base. You lived with your boyfriend in an apartment in the city. He dropped you off every day with the car, never knowing what work you actually did. 

Work was always a breath of relief for you because back home, things were messy. Real messy. You knew this wasn't how things were supposed to be. The yelling, emotional and physical abuse. But when your boyfriend was in a good mood, he was the best person you could ask for and you loved him. 

So you stayed for those moments, always tip-toeing around the house to not upset him and hoping you would actually be noticed. 

Yesterday, after you came from work after a good day, your mood fell when you saw your boyfriend wait by the car, his arms crossed and scowl on his face. Yes he was also a jealous person and was suspicious every time you came home happier than you should be.

Daisy didn't pay much attention to the agents walking around the base, going in and out every night. But she had noticed you a couple times before. She knew a lot about bad home situations so when you accidentally bumped into her and gasped a lot louder than necessary, she knew something was going on.

You didn't even dare look at her, afraid of her reaction. ''I'm so sorry, I didn't see you,'' you stammered. ''Please forgive me.'' You tried to make yourself as small as possible, preparing to be scolded.

''Hey, it's alright. Don't worry about it.'' Daisy tried to put a comforting hand on your shoulder but you jumped away from her touch. ''Hey are you okay?''

You still looked straight at the ground, your hair falling into your face. ''I'm fine,'' you muttered, walking around her and leaving her there in the middle of the hallway.

Things only got worse by the day. The next morning, you walked in with a blue bruise on your cheek, almost covering the entire left half of your face. You tried to keep your hair over it, but it was almost impossible and smiling hurt. As soon as you saw Daisy approaching you from the end of the corridor, you took off in another direction. You didn't want her to see it or to worry about you.

Daisy watched you go with concern. She wanted to talk to you and ask what was going on, but was afraid of overstepping or making you angry. Later when she walked into the common room for something to drink, you were on the couch talking to one of your co-workers in a cheerful way. 

You didn't see her come in, so when your colleague asked you about the bruise on your cheek, you didn't change the topic and lied straight to her face.

''What happened to your face, by the way? Did you try to play volleyball again?'' Your colleague teased you.

You forced a laugh, hoping she didn't see it was fake. ''No I walked into a door.''

''Must have been a solid door,'' your friend said, laughing along with you.

You nodded your head playfully. ''You have no idea.''

Over the course of a week, your bruise had faded enough to be able to cover it up with some full-coverage foundation and because Daisy didn't see any new injuries, she thought maybe she had just imagined things. 

However, a couple days after that, you showed up with a small cut on your forehead and a broken wrist. 

You ''fell of your bike'' according to what you jokingly told your fellow agents, but this time Daisy knew for sure your injuries weren't accidental. Still, she couldn't just go around and accuse your boyfriend without knowing for sure. She did know that he dropped you off every morning and picked you up every night. 

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