Without Her (5x03)

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Summary: you and Daisy are caught by Kassius and you wake up alone in a cell, not knowing if Daisy is still alive. Based on 5x03 and 5x07.

Daisy blew a hole in the floor of the lab. Since the key to the elevator had broken during the fight with the Blues, there was no other option than to give up on being stealthy and just hope to get to Kassius first before he noticed the tumult.

You followed her down, jumping through the hole and landing on the floor below. It looked completely different than upstairs, where the people lived in dark hallways and had to scramble for food. 

This part of the Lighthouse looked expensive. You were definitely in the right place.

''Which way?'' Daisy whispered to you, eager to get in and out as soon as possible. 

As you stood up, you immediately felt something was wrong. ''I don't know, I can't... I don't sense them. I don't sense anyone.''

Daisy looked at you with fearful eyes. The plan was now completely ruined and this would take a lot longer than expected. 

You followed her as she just picked a way to go, jogging closely behind. Honestly, you had no idea where you were going and neither did Daisy. You had no floor plan or any way to know which direction to go. You had hoped to rely on your power to find both Jemma and Kassius, but something was blocking you. 

Normally, you could sense people. That was also how you had found the others when you were first send here through the Monolith. But something about these quarters blocked your power. 

It was too quiet. Too simple. These were Kassius' quarters. He must know you were coming.

Right as you were about to voice those thoughts, a glass wall slammed down in front of both of you. Daisy stopped just in time to prevent running into it, looking at it in confusion. You turned around, wanting to go back the way you came, but another glass wall trapped you.

''No, no, no,'' you muttered under your breath, pressing your hands against the glass.

You stopped when you heard a hissing sound. Gas started to pour into the cage you were now trapped in. You both looked at each other in a panic and you were to say something but the gas entered your lungs and caused you to cough. 

Your legs grew weak and you could no longer stand on them. You collapsed to the ground, followed by Daisy. You tried to focus on her, more worried about your girlfriend than yourself, but the world started spinning fast. It would be long before you both would pass out.

Footsteps distracted you and you followed Daisy's gaze to the people walking towards the cage. 

''It's a rare occasion that I am surprised, but count this among them.'' A blue guy, dressed in a fancy and expensive looking coat, smiled down at you like you were hamsters in a cage. 

''I told you she'd find her way down here.'' A familiar voice spoke behind the guy you suspected to be Kassius. His figure was blurry, but it was unmistakably Deke as he came into view. ''And demonstrating her powers, no less. That right there is a weapon of mass destruction, tied up in one pretty, little package, all for you. We can talk about price later, but I expect that you'll be more than fair.''

''Son of a bitch,'' you breathed as loud as you could. Deke had helped you and now he just delivered the two of you to Kassius like this.

Beside you, Daisy coughed, gasping for air. You looked at her anxiously, but knew you couldn't do anything for her. You couldn't take Kassius out without your powers. Helplessness filled your stomach. The one person you needed to protect most, the most important person in your life, you couldn't protect.

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