Chapter 36 No More Pain

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No one's POV

Currently Nhazul is standing in a empty void with nothing but pure darkness around him.

Nhazul: W-Where...? Where am I...?

Nhazul continued to look around him at the darkness and suddenly heard a voice.

???: I told you it would happen. Didn't I?

Nhazul quickly turned around and saw the shadowy figure once again.

???: I told you before, they will die, just like they did

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???: I told you before, they will die, just like they did.

The shadowy figure snapped it's fingers and transported them to what looked like a large bridge.

???: They'll die. Just as they did.

Nhazul then heard the sound of a fire blazing and turned around behind and saw a car that was on fire and with three bodies burning and bleeding within and Nhazul's eyes widened with tears streaming down his face.

Nhazul: Mom

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Nhazul: Mom...Dad...Big Sister....

Nhazul then fell to his knees and the shadowy figure continued to speak.

???: Do you wish to experience that same pain? The pain from losing the ones you love?

Nhazul: No...No...I don't...I don't want to lose anyone else...

???: Do you miss them? Your mother...your father...your precious older sister? Your family?

Nhazul: I do...

The shadowy figure then once again held out their hand to Nhazul.

???: Then all you must do is take my hand. Cut your ties with them. With the Phantom Thieves, and I will take away all of your pain. I will reunite you with your family.

Nhazul just looked at the shadowy figure and went to grab it's hand, and as he did, he heard the second voice.

???: NO! Nhazul, don't do it! Please, I know you're stronger than this, please!

Despite the protests of the second voice, Nhazul continued to reach his hand for the shadowy figures hand and then took it. The Shadowy figure then smiled. And the dark aura around them disappeared and it's true form was revealed and it was Nhazul's Shadow.

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