Chariot Confidant Rank 4 and 5

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No one's POV

Currently, Nhzual, Akira and Ryuji are at a ramen noddle stand that Ryuji wanted to take them too and as they finished their bowls, and Nhzual was starting his second, Ryuji spoke up.

Ryuji: Ahhhhh! I love the feelin of noddles sliding down my throat! Sweat dripping over my face! This shit's the best, guys. Ramen is life!

Nhzual: It is really good.

Akira: I agree.

Ryuji: Light soup like this really gets your body goin again after a good run, y know. We used to come all the way out here after practice and...

Nhzual and Akira looked at Ryuji.

Ryuji: I guess that's all in the past...By the way, I've seen Nakaoka around a few times...But for some reason it don't look like he's gettin along with the others.

Nhzual: How so?

Akira: Are you worried about him?

Ryuji: Yeah...Kinda. I've been thinking about what he said...How the whole track team putting up with Kamoshida's shit... and how I effed it all up for em... I think he was right.

Nhzual: Nope.

Ryuji looked at Nhzual confused.

Ryuji: Huh?

Nhzual: You didn't do anything wrong, you were the one trying to stand up for then when Kamoshida was overworking you all. But instead of being grateful, they threw you under the bus and belittled you for it.

Ryuji: Still...They don't got a club room anymore, so they've been storin all their stuff behind the gym. They can't use any school gear either, so they just run laps around the block for practice. There ain't really a place for outcasts like that. I should know that better then anyone...It's good they're keepin thrust heads low now though. I don't want em endin up like me.

Akira: But you're doing great.

Nhzual: Yeah, you're not an asshole.

Ryuji looked at them and smiled.

Ryuji: Y know what? You're right. I guess now that I'm thinking about it, tryin to fit in is a real pain in the ass. I mean, I'd never met you guys if I wasn't an outcast, right? So, uh.... it's all good. For real though, it's been a shit ton of fun! Hangin out with you guys is so freakin cool!

Arcana Chariot Rank 4

Ryuji: I just hope there's something I can do to help those track guys. Though I'd prolly mess em up if I tried to butt in...Oh, by the way, we still gotta find a new training spot.


It's after school and currently, Nhzual, Akira and Ryuji are standing in front of an entrance to a gym.

Ryuji: Here we are... Protein Lovers gym! It's pay per visit, so you don't gotta worry about any bullshit contract or nothing. The equipment's kinda crappy, but they got tons of variety. Plus it's real damn cheap. Totally worth it, even without a pool or hot tub.

Nhzual: I don't think a hot tub is really all that necessary...

Ryuji: By the way, you both bring the stuff?

Akira: Protein powder?

Nhzual: And plenty of juice.

Smile (P5/Royal Story x OC/Male reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang