Chapter 9 The Phantoms

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No one's POV

Currently, a young Nhzual is currently is sitting on his bed crying and suddenly, his door opened and a girl with brown hair and red eyes walked in and saw he was crying and sat next to him.

???: Hey, you. Why are you crying?

Young Nhzual: It's no use...

???: What's no use?

Young Nhzual: No matter what I do... I can't make any friends...

???: How come?

Young Nhzual: They said a new kid doesn't deserve to have friends...that a new kid doesn't belong with them...

???: Well, that's not a very fair thing to say. They were all new kids at one point or another.

Young Nhzual: I want don't want to go back...

???: Nhzual, you have to go back.

Young Nhzual: What's the point of going back...if I'm just going to be treated like an outcast...someone with no friends...

The girl looked at Nhzual and saw how sad he looked and then smiled at him and kissed him on the forehead and he looked her confused.

???: If people don't want to be your friend, then I'll be your friend.

Nhzual then looked down saddened.

Young Nhzual: That doesn't count...Your my big can't be my friend...

???: And where does it say that I can't? I don't remember there being a rule where siblings can be friends.

Nhzual then looked up at his sister.

Young Nhzual: Would you really do that?

???: Of course. It's the big sister's job to protect her baby brother and make sure he's happy. So of course I'll be your friend. But only one condition.

Nhzual: What?

Nhzual's sister then put her fingers on his mouth and made him smile.

???: I want you to always smile. I don't like saying sad.

Nhzual then looked at his sister and then smiled and she smiled back at him.

???: Much better.

Nhzual then hugged his sister and she hugged him back.

Young Nhzual: Thanks, Big sister.

???: Of course.

Young Nhzual: I love you.

???: I love you too.

???: Nhzual. Hey! Nhzual! Wake up!

Suddenly, Nhzual opened his eyes and saw he was laying on his bed and he looked over and saw Morgana looking over him.

Morgana: Akira was calling you. He's downstairs.

Nhzual: O-Oh...

Morgana: Hey, are you alright?

Nhzual: Y-Yeah, why?

Morgana: Well, you're crying.

Nhzual then felt his face and felt the tears and the just wiped him away.

Nhzual:Oh, that's weird...

Morgana: You sure you're alright?

Nhzual: Yeah, I'm fine.

Nhzual then got up and went down stairs, leaving Morgana and saw Akira siting at the bar and Sojiro behind the counter.

Sojiro: Oh, nice of you to finally join us.

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