Chapter 78 The Final Battle Part 1

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No one's POV

The time has finally arrived, the day to confront Maruki and change reality to it's original state and currently, everyone is standing in front of the stairs leading towards his Treasure and they heard Maruki speaking to him.

Maruki: I see you made it. Come on up...I'll meet with you at the center of paradise.

Suddenly, the stairs leading to the Treasure fixed itself allowing them to ascend upwards.

Crow: Well, we can finally move on now that we've got some stairs.

Tenor then looked back at everyone and they all nodded at him.

Tenor: Alright, let's end this.

Everyone: Right!

Once the Phantom Thieves ascended up through stairs, they eventually made it to the top and once they did, they were confronted by Maruki.

Maruki: Thank you for coming. It looks like I have your answer.

Tenor: I'm sorry, Maruki. But this needs to end.

Maruki: Don't apologize....All this means is that we both have something we can't allow to fail. So let us begin. If you win, my heart will be changed...However, if I win...My reality becomes the true reality. I will overwrite all of existence with my own cognition. So I'm not holding back anymore.

Suddenly, the ground started to shake and everyone looked around confused and shocked.

Panther: W-What was that?!

Maruki: Just as you have your own beliefs, I too have no intention of changing my plans for reality. No matter what happens to me in the end, I will fix this torturous world! my REBELLION!!!!

Suddenly, Maruki started to glow brightly along with his outfit changing and everyone looked at shocked.

Fox: His apparel just...

Maruki then started walking out of the light, now donning a golden skin-tight priest garb with a tall shield-shaped mask, a white cape and holding a staff.

Maruki then started walking out of the light, now donning a golden skin-tight priest garb with a tall shield-shaped mask, a white cape and holding a staff

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