Chapter 58

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David pulled in the parking lot. With the words of his mother still echoing in his mind. "Don't make the same mistake your father made." She had told him.

He went to meet her for advice and that was all she said, those words were enough to give him determination. He wanted to fix things with his son, he won't be like his father.

He got out of the car and walked in, Jason and Jonas were both asleep on the couch, snuggling into each other for some warmth.

Just when he was about to climb the stairs Gabriella can running.

"Dad I can't find Ro!" She blurted with a hand on her forehead.

"But he was in there when I left."

"His window is open must've snick out." She said.

"But is raining and is very dark!" David felt his own heart skip.

"Dad he was so desperate! And is dangerous out there he is just a kid!" She starts freaking out, "am such a bad sister, God Ro!" Her body starts shaking slightly.

"No you're not, you're the best elder sister ever! you can't be in two places at the same time, am gonna fix this honey, I promised. Just drive the boys to Ruby's mother. You should stay there and wait for my call, Camila Is feeling lonely." David said.

"What of Ro?"

"I'll find him," David scratch his brow.

"You don't even know where to search, I'll suggest you check Juliet's residence, he speaks of her all the time, I got her address." Gabriella quickly type it on David's phone.

"Okay," he mumbled while studying the address. He starts heading for the door but Gabriella stopped him.

"Dad, please bring him back safely." She pleaded.

"I promise I'll princess." He peck her on her forehead before heading out in the storm.

He drove down the wet stress till he found the address on his phone. He rings the door bell.

Juliet came running to the door she had mistaken the door bell as Romeo. "Romeo!" She screamed but to her greatest disappointment it was a huge and tall guy.

"Did you see Romeo? Was he here?" David blurted out, Juliet dad had joined her on the door way.

"And you're."

"His dad, David Adams." He said politely shaking hands with Juliet's dad. Juliet's dad invited him in but David refuse to take a seat he was a little wet and too disrupted to.

"It was you fault if Romeo was feeling bad!" Juliet said while crossing her arms.

"Juliet can't you see he is stressed don't add more." her dad scolded.

"But it is the truth! Romeo had once told me he didn't like him! He also told me he was going far because of him! He sees him as a disappointment! Lemme tell you something Mr David! Romeo is not a disappointment! You just can't see the golden heart he has! You don't recognized his talents and his efforts to impress you! He doesn't seem to care but yeah he does! He is scared! Scared to lose her! He doesn't know how to live without her! He won't admit it but I know he is scared! He wouldn't over come this withy you been there for him!" She gave him a piece of her heart bluntly.

David stood there speechless, he knew something was up with Romeo but not to this extent, the little girl was right, he hadn't realise how much pain he had brought to his son, he had tried ignoring him by doing his office work but it was getting too much! The kid was lost in the storm how the hell would they find him?

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