chapter 55

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Romeo's POV
"Another bad result!" David slammed my file on the table making me flinch.

"Such a shame!" Mum shook her head on seeing it.

"But I swear I tried! I even studied every night! I swear! Is not my fault the teachers don't just like me!" I screamed.

"Dumb excuses!" David roared

"They're not!" I yelled obtaining a not so pleasant scowl from him.

"You'll be going to Africa after this." He starts unbuckling his belt while heading to me.

"Mum help me please." I called but she just shook her head.

David grabbed my hand and...

With a loud breath I sat up, wincing at the pain in my head.  what happened? Why am I home? What am I still doing in bed? I flipped the cover away and got out of bed, as I stood up I saw my room spin and I sat back.

What happened why am I so pass out? And a little bit weak?

I let out a cough from my protesting sore throat. I felt the fluid in my stomach climbed up my throat, I ran to the toilet and through up, again I felt dizzy.

This is weird but I think I'll have a shower before doing anything might help cool my headache.

After my shower I found myself still struggling to remember what had happened, all I remember was Juliet telling me about the report card and then is blur.

The door cracked opened and David walked in before turning around to shut the door behind. I felt every muscles in my body tense up. What is it that I have done to merit his visit.

"How long have you been awake?" He asked.

"Uh, long?" Enough to have another serious talk with you. I didn't say that part out loud.

He took a deep breath, "do you remember anything from yesterday?" He crossed his arm across his chest making me more nervous.

"N-no." I stuttered.

He sigh. "How am I gonna put this without snapping?" He Mumble under his breath.

Am beginning to hear this voice asking me to jump through the window.

"After school were did you go?" He asked

"Uh..." I tried to remember and then bang! Realization hit me right in the face, chainsmoking! Report card! Carlos! The club! Oh shit!

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