Chapter 44

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Romeo POV
During our trip back here mum was discussing with them! See that's why I didn't want them to come she seems happy, heck! she was smiley like never before. Since we arrived in Mexico, she is always with them totally ignoring me.

The times she spoke with me was to give me orders. Uncle Dan is doing a great job entertaining me, but I spend most of my time at the skatepark or alleys with Santiago my best friend, our relationship is complicated but I like it that way.

"Mexico is pretty good." Gaby said.

"Yup, I know but be careful out there 65% percent of the men are dangerous." I said without taking my eyes off my tablet where I was playing game of throne.

"I know, I do kungfu." She brush her shoulder proudly.

"Yeah, yeah." I pause the game and pick up my buzzing phone.

"Yo Ro! Am right in front of your house and your dad just left." Luca said from the other line.

"I don't give a fucking damn about the motherfucker." I said carelessly.

"Well, what are you doing?"

"Getting ready to head out to the skatepark."

"Oh, you're really having fun there." I heard the sadness in his voice.

"Yeah, so I gotta go,  must be waiting."

"Who is -"

"Bye." I hung up on him.

I grab my headphones and brush my hair, making sure I look handsome and decent as usual , let's not forget my golden chain.

"Where are you going?" Gaby asked.

"To the skatepark with a friend." I simply said before grabbing my skateboard.

"Have a nice day litbro." She smiled.

"You too." I left for downstairs. Mum was seating on the couch playing game with the J square and laughing her head off, I felt a huge wave of jealousy wash through my system. I tightened the grip around my skateboard as I furrowed my brows. I pulled the front door opened just to be stopped by Mum.

"Don't forget your curfew." She called out. I slammed the door without responding.

"Keep playing with your fucking kids." I rolled my eyes.


"Yo man." Santiago and I did our handshake.

"You wanna suck?" He pulled out a cigarette.

"With pleasure, amigo." I grabbed it and allowed him to lit it up, before putting it in my mouth.

"You'll never guess what happened to me." He said monotonously.

"Go ahead amuse me with your fake date." I smile lopsidedly.

The day went by pretty fast, we did tricks on our skateboard, threw eggs on cars, painted the walls, scratch people's car, break some glasses and more. I didn't notice the time running.

I'm now two hours late for curfew. "Man I gotta go." I said while crushing my fifth cigarette today.

"Aww, why can't you stay for a bit we've got more things to do."

"Nah, my Mum would fuzz and it's not a good thing if she does, I don't want her to find out about our dirty business, am already two fucking hours late." I said while looking at my watch. I pulled out my jacket and wore it before zipping it up, this was more won't sniff the odor of cigarette on my inner shit.

He nods, "grab a gum, you don't want her to find out about the cancer stick, do you?" He chuckled.

"Thanks." I threw the gum in my  mouth before skating off.

I tried sneaking through the back door, I successfully went in, I walked to the stairs, just before I could step on it, I heard someone clear their throat.


"I said no breaking curfew, you missed dinner. By the way where have you been?"

"In the skatepark." I rolled my eyes.

"All this while?"

"Yeah." I lied.

"Don't you lie to me Alejandro." She said firmly. "I know you so very well, you can't spend so much time in the skatepark except you're with someone, it was him huh? Santiago."

I rolled my eyes with a huff, "yeah and so?" I said with an attitude.

"That boy has a bad influence on you, isn't he like twenty? He spent his life selling drugs and doing bad stuff, I don't want you to be like him, that's why am force to ban you from seeing him." She said.

My jaw dropped, "what the fuck are you talking about, Santiago is my best friend! You can't stop me from seeing him!"

"You're just a kid, he has bad influence on you! Do you hear yourself speaking? Do you wanna end up like him?"

"Whatever! He is a good friend unlike you, he helps me out and listens to me! I won't let you break us up!" I growl.

"You'll do as I say! No further discussion!" She glared.

"No, I aren't doing what'cha say! You can't control my life! I have my own choices! Santiago have been there for me more than you have! I can't just dump him like you do!" I yelled back.

"Take that back Romeo!"

"No! What is your fucking problem? You just wanna break me! You can't be asking me to stop seeing him! If you're jealous about our relationship and can't see us together then screw you! Cause am never dumping him for you!" I gave a long distance between us just for precaution, she might be wanting to hit me again.

"Am not repeating myself young man! Am your mother and I know what's best for you!"

"You haven't been acting like you were, what I need is someone who understands me not a dictator like David!"


"Ugh! Stop telling me what the fuck I'm suppose to do!"

"Romeo!" Uncle Dan yelled. "Is it how to speak to your mother?" He made me face him, I look away with my brows still furrowed.

"I asked you a question." He crouch down to my height and raised my chin so I was looking straight in his eyes.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I push his hands away and broke from his grips before running upstairs.
I bet she won't ban Jason or Jonas from hanging out with anybody but me, yup she would. All she just said is bullshit, she can't stop me from seeing my friend!
Am not listening to her! Why can't she leave me the fuck alone and go speak to her real kids. She always yell at me! She is turning to David and I don't like that!

Like husband like wife.

Harsh discussion huh? This is just the beginning! Check the next chapter! Let's see what'cha think.


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