Chapter 53

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Romeo's POV
Serving grounding is no better than been sentenced to twenty years imprisonment.
I don't even know what I did wrong! Is all because of them the J square! The broke this expensive verse David brought from Asia while trying to play soccer in the house with my ball they took with permission! The blame it all on me! David as usual didn't believe me when I said I wasn't trying to play in the house. I talk back and it broke into a fight and I got grounded by Almighty David!

The music was blasting in my earphone. of cause he took my electronics but not my audio player and my extra earphones.

"Mansion by NF boys was playing"

I heard the door bell, I raced downstairs knowing well who it was.

"Hey Juliet!" I greeted with a grin plastered on my face though I was trying to hide my enthusiasm but I just couldn't.

"Hi Ro? Sup?" I parted away for her to walk in.

"Nothing much, just grounded." I said monotonously.

"Too bad, whoa your house is pretty huge." She looked around.

"Yeah, I know. Come hurry! I don't want the paparazzi to see you!" I raced to the stairs she followed me while giggling.

"Am not a celebrity."

"Yes you are to them." I said quietly while looking around.

"Boo!" I jumped.

The jerks started laughing hysterically, "he flinched!" Jason laughed.

I rolled my eyes, "bursted." I grunted.

"Hey double J!" Juliet wave.

"Hey Charlotte." Jason waved back.

"WO how the hell do you know each other?" I asked.

"Well Juliet is our number one fan." Jason said.

"I love their system of throwing the basketball into the basket. They're my basketball stars." She hop throwing an invisible basketball.

"dammit." I mumbled.

"You never told me they were your brothers."

Jonas gasped, faking been hurt, "he doesn't talk about us."

"Little brat!" Jason glared.

"If you would excuse us." I grabbed Juliet hand and tried to walk off but was stopped by them.

"Are you guys dating?" Jonas asked.

"No, what a dumb question." I called out not bothering to turn around, they started laughing quietly, and Juliet blushed.

"Weird family huh?" I plop on my bed as soon as we got I'm after shutting the door behind me.

"Your room is a wreck." She said while picking up my turtle ninja shirt.

"I like it this way."

"Boys." She shook her head.

"Did you bring your Nintendo?" I asked with eyes filled of sparkled.

"Yelp just like you wanted, I Even brought two so we can play a multiplayer on animal crossing." She opened her bag handling me the game, I grabbed it immediately and started playing football cup 2012. By the time I was dine playing my room was neat again.

"Whoa? How did you do this?" I stare in awe.

"Let's say I've got work in my blood." She winked.

"Damn girls with their obsession of neatness." I shook my head.

We played river crossing till it was time for Juliet piano lesson. I escorted her to the door and wave her off, before returning back to boredom.

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