Chapter 18

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Camila POV
I pulled out my lunch from my backpack, a huge sandwich. I put my home work aside and started digging in. Each table was filled with other kids chatting with each other, they were having fun laughing out loud like there was no tomorrow. I want a friend too, I want someone to listen to me discussing about the novels I read, Gabriella and my siblings are there but it doesn't feel same, I wanted a stranger, someone that doesn't live with me. I recall how I use to feel lonely in Mexico at school, people called me piss butt and crabby. Is not my fault if am smart and doesn't behave like a five years old, I'm currently the youngest in forth grade and cause of that people don't tend to talk to me.

"Hey!" Derrick towered over me.

Derrick is a dick, excuse my language but this is true, he doesn't stop bullying me, he steals my lunch and makes fun of my glasses. Yeah I wear glasses not every time though.

I ignore him and kept eating my lunch while reading my bat girl comic book.

"Am talking to you calima!" He took my sandwich.

I look up to glare at him, "is Camila!" I rolled my eyes.

"Stop rolling your eyes or you will be totally blind." He said, the group of kids behind him started laughing.

"Am not blind!" I roar.

"Yes you are!" He snatch my glasses and threw something like powder on my face.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed, it burns, my eyes are on fire! "I can't see!" I screamed again. I felt someone shoved me to the floor. I landed with a thud hurting my elbow in the process.

"See! you can't see!" I heard Derrick say, "hey everyone the pussy is on the floor," he called out I heard footsteps coming toward me.

"I told you she was blind," "no she is disabled," "I heard she had an infectious disease." "She is a Hispanic, and black? How is that possible?" "She is a lying bitch." I heard people speaking loudly around me then the started chanting, "loser! Loser! Lame!"

I felt hurt tears welled in my eyes and soon enough they were pouring.

Few minutes later Mrs Patricia help me get the stuff off my eyes and she gave me my glasses, I didn't tell her about the bullying cause I know she'll tell daddy, I don't want everyone at school to think am a baby, oh no please I don't wanna add another reason to get bullied. So I formed a lie.

Gabriella came to pick me after school to my gymnastics practice, I'm new at gym, so it was pretty difficult to keep to their standard, Lisa the best gymnast in our level called me fat and ugly my day was hell! I just wanted to go home and bury myself under my duvet after doing my home works of cause, but they just won't let me.

"Cami are you okay?" Gabriella asked from behind the wheel.

"Yeah." I grunt as I kept staring outside the window.

"Camila angel you can trust us." Jason persisted.

"Come on we know something is wrong with you. Tell us!" Jonas said

I can't take anymore and I lose control! "Leave me alone! Don't you guys understand! I wanna be alone! Am fine! Jeez! You're so fucking annoying!" I open the car door and ran into the house, I didn't wanna see the shock and hurt on their faces.

"Hey angel, ho -" daddy started but I ran passed him not allowing him to end his sentence.

He came after me and tried to speak to me but I told him I was fine that I needed to be left alone.

Few minutes later daddy was back in my room again.

"Cami honey. We gotta go to the dentist." He said gently.

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