Chapter 46

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Ruby POV

"No you don't! If you do you won't have neglected me so much and even go ahead to hit and abandon me! You don't listen to me anymore you treat me just like David! You love your other kids so much! You fucking hit me today! You weren't there when I was desperately in need of my mother, I wanted to tell you everything! I wanted you to comfort me but you were always busy! You won't take my excuses for causing abuela accident! You were so furious! You shun me away! David got into you! He belted me so bad I wanted you to scold him for that or comfort me but I got none of that! I thought if we come back here things will be back to normal but it only worsen!" He sobbed

"I just learnt about the incident, Romeo I swear I didn't know about it."

"You didn't wanna, all you do is scold me and argue with me, you went ahead to hit me in public today and you -" he paused, "I wish we never came across him! I wish he wasn't my father! Maybe that way you wouldn't have done what you did!"

"Don't say that Ro!"

"Maybe if you and him were present for me and were willing to listen, I won't have met Santiago, Santiago acted like both of you would never have! He was there for me each time, he is just like my big brother."

"Santiago is not good for you."

"Stop it! David isn't good for me either! Neither you! without Santiago I would've done worst than just smoking, cause the stress is too much. At times I feel like I'll just pass out from locking too much. Is like having the weight of the world on your shoulders! I just wanted my Mama, not a DICTATOR! And some who neglects and hit me! You promise you'll never hit me but you broke that!" He keeps sobbing.

"Romeo, I love you so much! I might not have understood what you really wanted. But one thing is sure I don't regret spanking you, you deserved it, but what I do regret is not noticing anything and making it feel like a neglect to you, I'll never hurt you on purpose you know that. You're my son, and I love you no matter what, I admit spending too much time on my work but is over now I promise I'll always be there for you, come out let's talk about it, would ya?" I asked kindly, I hate hearing him sob so much, my Romeo don't cry. I know he isn't crying from pain but from the aching in his heart, they one we broke.

"No! Get out! I don't wanna see you! I fucking hate both of you!" He hiccupped.

"Romeo come out, you'll hurt yourself, if you continue crying so hard." I crouch down close to the bed, but he won't listen.

"Get the fuck out!" He screamed.

Now I can start panicking. I ran to the living room where Daniel was waiting.

"Daniel! I don't know what is going on, Romeo refuses to come out from under the bed and he won't stop sobbing." I blurted out.

Daniel worriedly ran upstairs, I'll just stay here waiting for any news. I hope he calms down and we can hug this out. Am so thankful mum left with the kids, I won't like Camila to witness this.

I don't know how long I've been pacing around waiting for Daniel to come out but he eventually did, the chest of his shirt is soak wet.

"What happened?" I hurried to him.

"Poor kid, he cried himself to sleep, it was difficult talking him to come out of the bed but he finally did, he doesn't wanna speak with you. you need to give him time to over come what just happened."

"God." I plop on the couch massaging my forehead. "Do you think am a bad mother?"

Daniel sat close to me, "no, you're and awesome mother and your kids adore you."

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