chapter 56

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Romeo's POV

"Did you see that butterfly?" It has orange and black wings! Oh look at that quarrel! I love the white dog! How I wish Dad would get me one!" She pointed. "Am so happy! Am pretty sure I did good this year like always!" Then she said stuffs I wasn't paying attention to, I am too busy thinking of what I'll tell mum when she comes and about the report card. About mum is been two days since she called. A flight should've taken three house, don't know.

"Ow!" Camila screamed snapping me out of my thoughts. She had tripped and bruised her knee.

"Oh is just a little scratch, you'll be fine." I said carelessly while crouching down to her.

"Is that what you have to say?! I was talking to you and you weren't even paying attention! You ignored me all the day and now you're just acting cold! I bet if Juliet had tripped you'll be fussing! You're such a bad brother!" She snapped.

"Stop been so childish." I mumbled still not paying attention to her big mouth.

"Jason and Jonas could've look after me and listen to me, that's what you can't do! You suck!" She yelled, I didn't know where the anger came from but I was done with her shit.

"Well why didn't you asked them to take you?! I never begged you to fucking cling to my feet while I was at the door! You're just a little selfish brat! You're never happy with anything! I think your father spoilt you too much!" I yelled.

"Unlike you, I don't give dad headache and constantly disappoint him! Dad is always sighing and thinking cause of you! If you continue that way you'll give him gray hair! If you don't like me like I am you're just a big dumbass! And a jealous jerk!" She spat. My heart broke into million pieces, I can hear it shattering and cutting my flesh, I stood there staring at her speechlessly. She is my hermana she is not suppose to say all that to me the way she just did, fine I was careless about her stories but that doesn't give her any right to go this far. Before we just made one, before it was Romeo and Camila no one else, she was so addicted to me, she loved me! Or maybe not! Maybe she was so addicted to me because I was her only sibling. Now she have a dad, two brothers, a big sister! The whole family on her feet she just dump me!

I swallowed the lump of sadness in my throat. I grabbed her hand not harshly though, we were already close to her school, I walk her to her teacher and left without looking back.


"What is this expression? Open it come on! Finally you have your report card in your hands! Come on! I wanna see!" Juliet held her opened result while jumping for me to open mine! I was so jealous to see the As and Bs proudly glittering in her file. And yet scared that mine will be full of red disappointment!

I sigh while dropping the file on the piano, we were in the music room, no other students were around just the two of us!

She grabbed it, "if you are too wimpy to open it then I'll!" She said.

"Go ahead don't show me please." I sat in front of the piano feeling the urge to sing.

"Gosh!" She gasp making my heart somersault in my chest.

I hung my head, "I knew it, I screw up again." I murmur.

"No you did great! A in music! A in P.E! A in English, A in history, C in math, C in physics, and the rest are Bs." She grinned.

I sigh, "C in math really? I could've done better than that!"

"This is great for someone that have been scoring F! Your father would be proud."

"Stop! Saying that Juliet! You don't fucking know him! He is never proud with all I do!" I yelled, I inhale deeply to regain my calm.

I JUST GOT A FUCKING C! My father will be mad!
Why can't I be able to impresssss him!
Why can't I be so soft like the other kids?
Why can't they love me just like the way I am?!
I aren't changing my habits and my heart!
If they wanna break my heart they gotta break my spirit first!
I will love a hug from my papa,
I would love his opinion on my life but no no no he wouldn't give me that!
I guess is because am a fuck up bastard and a selfish deck!
she said I was mean!
She said I should change but I can't!
know that was mean of her, but will my broken heart be able to forget all those word that sank in my soul?
oh yeah!
The broke me!
Yeah she broke me!
Only if I was not this worthless I could've done something....

Life is hard but not impossible with Romeo!Where stories live. Discover now