Chapter 40

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Romeo's POV
The huge dog launch towards me, trying to bite my neck but I fought it with the bat, all I can see is his teeth snapping as a violent growl comes out from the pit of his stomach. God how can dogs do this? That simple growl is enough to send chills down my spine. From no where another dog attacked me, I can't escape he bites me this time, all I can feel was pain as he pulled on my hand his canine sinking more in my flesh.
Pain! Blood! Gunfire! Tears! Death! Blood! More blood! Agony!

"No!" I clutch to whatever was under me, "please let it be a dream, lemme be back home, not the stable again, no straws!" I Mumble under my breath too scared to opened my eyes, I do this every morning since uncle Dan left me in the ranch.

Open your eyes, come on, am more than sure you're still in the stable, sleeping right next to BlackH. I slowly flap my eyes, everything was still blurry though, I blinked as I opened my eyes fully, then I'm struck by the rays. I flinch raising whatever my hand could find over my head.

Am in the stable again! No! Wait! In the stable I didn't have covers and pillows and a bed. I quickly shoot up wincing at the pain on my wrist and head. Bad sleep I guess.

A smile spread across my lips when I spotted my few posters of Michael Jackson, and Bruno mars, no doubt I was in my room in abuela's house. "Am back!" I mumbled. I knew it was a dream, a nightmare even, all that shit wasn't real. After the accident with the cops uncle Dan brought me home right?

I bolted to my bathroom ignoring the aching in my body and the pounding in my head, almost making it impossible for me to walk, I often wake up with aches. Bad sleep I guess.

I ran pass the mirror and something caught my attention, I stood in front of the mirror staring at the scratch on my cheekbone and the bandaid on my forehead. What the hell? I reach to touch it then I saw my bandaged wrist. Slowly my joyful smile faded.

Screams, yells, pain, wound, hits! Abuse! blood so much blood, running! Big dogs! Black horse! Gun fire! Cocking sound! Terror! Fear! Blood and blood and blood and tears! Toby! Greg! Jordan! Long canine! painful bite! And death!

I had a flashback at once, I stumbled and felling from my head pounding and the room spinning. My eyes darted around the room looking for any other memories, except for me waking up right now.

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