Chapter 20

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Camila's POV.

"No Romeo! Stop!" I yelled but Romeo won't stop punching the boy. He was bleeding and so was Romeo. I can't do anything to part them, am not going closer either.

Derrick was also yelling for his brother to stop fighting but he won't listen.

How did we get here? I didn't plan this at all.


I've been waiting for Monday since Saturday! Here we go! I'll eliminate all my bullies today! yeah I will! I danced.

I wore my school uniform, I put on my contact, and pack my hair in a loose ponytail, I asked Gabriella to style my baby hair which she did.

I grabbed my backpack and run downstairs after taking a selfie with my phone. I was a little bit late for breakfast.

I went downstairs and everyone stare in awe, Romeo nodded at me and we did our secret sign, I clench my fist and hit my chest before doing the v sign and so did Romeo.

"Whoa you're beautiful angel." Jason said. Jonas stood up and pulled a chair for me.

"Miss." He mention for the seat, I smiled at him before seating.

"Whoa, you look like your mother in a dark skin." Daddy said.

"You're more beautiful than me Cami!" Gaby winked.

"Thank you."

We ate breakfast pretty quickly and we had to leave for school.

Romeo walked to me, "hey terror, you got this! I swear they'll be red of jealous." He said in Spanish.

"I know, I'll enjoy each an every moment I swear." I fist bump him.

Daddy drop me off at school. I took a deep breath before walking in the school.

As I walked in the hallway all heads turn to stare at me. "Is she a new student? She looks like Camila, whoa she's beautiful." I heard them murmur that brought a smug smile across my lips.

I walk to Mrs Patricia to say hi, her jaw dropped when she saw me.

"Oh my gosh! Camila! You're looking so pretty!" She grinned.

"Thanks ma'am." I replied, my heart leap in joy.

During class the kids didn't stop staring at me, some just stare me down and me been the new me I returned the gesture.

The lunch bell rang, I got my sandwich and apple and started eating peacefully while I read my comic book.

"H-hey Camila, do you remember me?" A red hair girl walk to my table. I recalled seeing her in gym classes she was just as lame as I was.

"Hey Kerala!" I smiled.

"H-hi, can I seat by you? Am tired of seating alone." She stuttered.

"Yeah sure." I smiled.

"Calima! I can see you've changed your look." Derrick walk up to me.

I stood up with a smirk on my lips as I crossed my arms, "hey fatty." I mock, the kids around us gasp.

He glared at me, "how dare you?"

"What will the big baby do? cry? Cry baby?" I mocked.

"Stop it piss butt." He was fuming.

"Fuck you cunt!" I yelled, everyone watch with their jaws on the floor.

"Ugh!" He tries to snatch my food but I stood blocking his path.

Life is hard but not impossible with Romeo!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt