Chapter 49

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Romeo POV
If I had known coming back means suicide, I won't have. Not like I didn't try anyway, I did run away when everyone was ready to leave, uncle Dan had to look for me but trust me my hiding place was great, but unfortunately uncle Dan knew all about me so he find me after five hours of looking, and we missed our flight, mum was angry she scolded me and uncle Dan cuff me with the bed till it was finally time for our second flight, believe me I tried to escape but once uncle Dan has his eyes on you, you can never do anything without him noticing.

Mum was so proud to tell David how good we were without having to you know do the stuff. I'll never forget the shock he had on his face. Just like mum gave him a slap.

Back to my present situation, why on earth will me Romeo be standing and complaining about my fate in the middle of the school hall which was deserted, if David hadn't force me to go to the same school with the J squares. it's a sort of highschool jointed to a middle school.

The sweat vest is itching me! And the button down short sleeve let's not speak of it is a pure torture! Fortunately we get to wear the trouser or jeans of our choice.

I take off my sweat vest and sigh, at least like this the white button down short sleeve was OK.

"Let's see what we've get here." I pulled out the map and timetable, this school is so huge how am I suppose to find Grade 7 Math class?

I step on my loosed lace and almost fell. "Ugh! Dammit!" I crouch down to tie the lace of my black plimsoll van.

"Stupid school! Stupid shoe! Stupid empty hall!" I mumbled under my breath.

"Get your hands off me!" I heard someone growled.

"Or what? Black slave? You must be submissive! We're whites!" A guy said, his words was followed by a high pitch laugher from a girl.

"No way in hell! Go fuck yourselves!" The black girl growl, the second boy walk towards her while clenching his fist.

"Touch her and I'll use your head to play soccer." I intervene, is none of my business but I can't just seat around while this three inhuman exercise racism. And did you see their heights?

"Who the hell are you I've never seen you around?" The boy with a radical hairstyle and a rock bracelet said.

"Your mum's lover?" I said, his eyes were wide opened. Am not trying to put myself in a big shit in my first day but I won't hesitate, now I understand what mum meant by not what I was expecting.

"How dare you? Don't you know who we are?!" The first boy beside the girl said.

"Yeah, yeah I guess you're Zeus and she is Hera and he is Poseidon." I scoff causing the black girl to chuckle.

The all frown, "I guess he had his head in a hole all this while, like an ostrich." The boy with radical hair laughed. The girl gasped mockingly.

"Is -" the black girl who was getting bullied tried to say but I hush her.

"Did you guys take a look at yourselves in a mirror? You all look like some used bags brought out straight from a disgusting garbage, your sweat vest is torn at the corner, your hair looks horrible where did you copy the style from a cock? I hope your IQ is not same with that of a cock, and you the girl with big mouth, your teeth are so brown ew gross, I don't imagine any guy kissing those lips he'll probably pass out in the process." I let my venom out.

"H-h-how dare you?" Tears starts forming in the eyes of the girl and she ran off with her two body guard along with her.

I brush my hands dramatically, "good rid."

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