Chapter 3

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"Fuck you!" A curly hair boy with light brown eyes yelled in Spanish.

"Fuck you too, I bet you're upset cause you don't have a father, I heard your mother was a bitch and she doesn't know who your father is." Another boy with long hair and red skin replied in Spanish.

"Uuooohhh!" Both groups chorus.

Romeo turn around, clenching his fist, he threw his bag away and sprang on the other Mexican teen punching him shitlessly.

"Fight! Fight!" The crowd screamed in Spanish.

Romeo was sitting on top of the guy still punching him till he was bleeding, he was later tripped down with the guy on top of him delivering hard blows. Romeo manage to tackle him back down again, he hit the boy so hard that he passed out with blood everywhere.

He got up and brush his clothes, "no one messes with me cunt!" He spat.

"Romeo! Romeo! Romeo!" The crowd cheered.


"Oh my God!" Ruby gasp when she saw her baby's face. She hurried to him examining his bruised cheek.

"I'm fine, mama." Romeo pushed his mother's handoff.

"Happy birthday romeee!" Camila tackled her brother with a hug while waving a drawing on his face.

"Yeah, yeah now get off me." He shoves her slightly.

"Romeo! I've told you to stop fighting!" Ruby scolded.

"What the hell Mama! Stop freaking out, I'm fucking okay! And that idiot needed the lesson." He takes off his shoes, flinging them anywhere.

Ruby sighs, "who did you beat up, again?"

"Rowan. The son of bitch."

"I guess I have to confront his mother again! for the hundredth time this month! Now go change! We have to cut the cake Abuela made." Ruby made her way to the kitchen to get the cake while Romeo went up to change.

A few minutes later Romeo came down in some new clothes, Sofia and Ruby with Camila were waiting for him in the living room.

"Here we go cut your cake and blow your candles -"

"Yeah, yeah, I don't wanna, can I see the gift instead."

"Romeo Alejandro that's not a way to treat your mother." Sofia scolded, having the boy shoot her a boring look before walking to the packages ripping them open.

"A hoverboard, a T-shirt, a fucking book! And more useless and stupid stuff." He kicks the torn packages. "Mama where is the fucking teaser I asked you." He stares straight into his mother's eyes with his brows knitted together.

"I couldn't get it." Ruby simply said.

Romeo threw his hands in the air, "why? You're rich as fuck!"

"Yeah. But is dangerous, I can't bear seeing you going about in the neighborhood with a teaser with your short temper attitude."

"Fuck that! I ask you for one fucking gift and you failed to get it?! Just wow! Guess what?"

"Romeo -"

"Shut up!" He yells arrogantly totally interrupting his mother, he shoves the huge cake down and stomped on it. "I DON'T WANT A FUCKING CAKE NEITHER THOSE ROTTEN GIFTS! I WANTED A DAMN TEASER! AND YOU FUCKING DISAPPOINTED ME!" He trashed the cake and broke all the gifts while screaming, Sofia had gone to seat on the couch. Camila stared at her brother with a sad expression.

Life is hard but not impossible with Romeo!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang