Chapter 12

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Jason's POV

"Hey angel!" I poke my little sister in the cheek, she gave me a cheeky smile.

"How was your night?" Jonas sat beside her.

"Nice, you guys?"

"I dreamt of being a spy!" Jonas smiled to himself.

"I dreamt of hugging my precious till she kissed me." I grinned.

"Oh no!" She started running while giggling.

"Here I come." I internally let her run ahead of me. Just when I was about to catch her she bump into dad, who picked her up.

"Hey princess." He smiled.

"Hello daddy! Did you have nightmares?"

"No, you?" He peck her on the cheek.

She shook her head cutely. "Come  on Camila! Grab your milk, I'll drive you to school today." Gabriella said while flipping the eggs.

Romeo dragged his feet on the stairs, he had a hoodie on, I swear that kid is bizarre, he pulled a chair for himself and sat quietly. Camila's expression changed, from a happy face to a frown when he said something to her in Spanish, she replied with a snap in Spanish. Jonas and I were just staring, we both hate Spanish, I find it difficult, Jonas find is complicated.

The argument went on for some more minutes before Romeo rudely left the table, Camila stare at her plate sadly.

"Hey Angel! Look magic!" I pulled a coin from her ear. She giggled.

"You know I know that, that's not magic right?" She said.

"Ouch. That hurts, too smart." Jonas said amusedly. I rolled my eyes.

"Come on boys, let's go." Dad said as he grabbed his briefcase.

I toss my bag on Jonas who caught it, before it hit his face, "hold that for me bro!"

"Why?!" He whined.

"Cause am your elder brother." I stuck my tongue at him.

"No way! You're not! We're the same age! Dude!" He threw the bag back on my face.

"I'll kill you!" I tackled him in a headlock, he managed to break free putting me in one too, I shoved him and climbed on top of him, we were wrestling on the floor when.

"NmmNmm!" Dad cleared his throat.

We bold release each other quickly and brush our clothes.

"Playing like some kid when you're suppose to be in the car." He said gently.

I rubbed my arm so did Jonas.

"Come on, get in the car." He said.

I walked to were my bag was and grabbed it.

"Uh.. Dad what about Romeo? He is suspended so I guess he has to stay here, alone?" Gabriella said.

"Nah... Mum will stay with him." He said.

"Oh I see." Gabriella returned back to cooking.

"Bye bros! Bye daddy!" Camila waved, we waved back. I'll call her an angel fallen from heaven.

We got in the car, I pushed Jonas and he did same. "Dude! Remind me why we're twins?"

"Cause God wanted it that way." He put we in a headlock ruffling my short hair.

"Dammit!" I growled, when I saw dad staring at us threw the rear mirror we pulled away.

"Sorry." I blurted.

Life is hard but not impossible with Romeo!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora