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Aurora brushed Celeste's long brown hair and smiled at her niece in the reflection. She was so gorgeous and she reminded her a lot of her parents.

"I can't believe you're already sixteen", she whispered.

Celeste raised herself from the chair and looked in the mirror. She was wearing a short dress with short strings and long heels. The dress had been a gift of Aurora, when they went shopping together.

"Thank you, auntie, you know I love you right?",

Two years ago on her fourteenth birthday, Eros and her decided it was time to tell her about her mother and father. Since she kept asking and she had already an appropriate age.

They gave her her the letter and after a day staying in her room, she cane downstairs and hugged her aunt longer than she ever did.

"I love you too, Cece", Aurora smiled warmly.

Together they walked downstairs to the party. Everybody greeted Celeste and handed her gifts. Tonight was going to be amazing, at least that's what she thought.

"Happy birthday, Cece!", her younger cousin jumped in her arms.

Primrose was Eros and Auroras youngest daughter and she just turned thirteen a month ago. The cousins had an amazing bond and they were very close.

"Thank you, Prim", she took the gift from her and looked at the gorgeous girl in front of her.

She had long blonde curls, apparently inherited from Eros' late mother, and big blue eyes. Primrose was a spitting image of her mother. And she was young now, when she would grow older, she will become even more beautiful.

"I saw Fabian and he was holding a present", she whispered excited.

No one knew from who Primrose inherited some much energy and constant excitement.

Celeste went bright red and she followed her cousins pointed look. Fabian had been her crush since she started sophomore year. They knew each other since kindergarten, but he got a major glow up after summer in Venice.

"Come on, go to him!",

"It's not that easy, Prim",

"It is. You like him, he likes you. Just go",

And with one hard push she managed to get Celeste moving. She moved through the crowd and finally arrived at Fabian. He smiled brightly once he saw her and they shared a hug.

"Happy birthday, Cece", he handed her a gift.

"Thank you, Fabian", It was a little black box and she smiled gratefully.

Before she could put it with the others, he insisted on taking her outside and that she should open it there with him. She didn't think much of it and agreed, thinking the gift must be very special.

They went to the gardens near the forest and sat down on a bench. Her heart was raising and she hoped he couldn't notice.

Inside the box was a little note and a golden charm necklace. It was a small letter 'F'. Before she read the note, Fabian insisted on putting it on.

A blush crossed her cheeks and she figured out he wanted her as his girlfriend. The letter 'F' clearly represented his name, Fabian.

"Read the note",

She smiled and did, her smile slowly falling. Confused she read it again and again, before looking up at him.

"What is this, Fabian?", she demanded frustrated.

"The necklace is only for daughters of the Alpha of the Felix Pack",

Now she reread the note and her stomach dropped. Fear filled her veins as  the six words sunk in.

I'm coming for you, my daughter.

Celeste jumped up sending the danger, but before she could flee to her aunt as uncle, Fabian pulled her back. She glared at him, raged by his betrayal.

"You didn't went to Venice last summer, did you?",

A evil laugh escaped his mouth as she heard running feet coming from the woods. Unknown man were on the territory of her uncle and it scared the hell out of her.

That never happened before.

The first man to step out of the woods was really familiar to her. Because she saw his olive green eyes each time she watched herself in the mirror. It was nobody less than her own father. Alpha James.

He was aging well to her dismay, he looked very well. She wanted him to look ugly and miserable, but he was the complete opposite. And that frustrated her extremely.

"He is here for you", Fabian chanted in her ear.

Raged she knocked him out and ran back inside, which was hard on such high heels. But luckily for her, her aunt and uncle had sensed the danger and ran out. 

"You okay?", her cousin, Zeus, caught her.

He may be a year younger, but he was taller and much broader than her. That was mostly because of intense Alpha training with his father.

She looked up at him and his electric blue eyes. His dark hair was as usual a beautiful mess and he was the spitting image of Eros. You could clearly tell he was his son.

Behind them they heard Eros raged voice and loud thuds. They turned around and saw Aurora full on attacking James for daring to come on her grounds.

"I'm coming for you, Celeste! This isn't over", were his final words and he ran off the grounds.

And she marked those words as she really should.


This is the end.
I've given it an open ending, because rim not sure if I should right a sequel.
Tell me if you want a sequel.

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