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Aurora sat waiting on the steps of the large staircase. They would head over to the Claw Pack for lunch and hopefully convince them to become allies. Eros and Lucius were late and she feared that they forgot about the appointment.


Her long brown hair fell from her face and her big blue eyes gazed up at Olivier. Speechless, he was speechless for a second. Not ever in his life had he met such beauty before. He got to meet his celebrity crush in real life and deep down he hoped she would become his.

"Yes?", her voice was so melodic.

"Can I help you with something? You've been sitting here for a while already",

She looked around, searching for someone and finally sighed. Her eyes stood worried and sad like they always were. It was such a pity for two breathtaking pieces of art to endure pain. Olivier wanted to take that all away.

"I was waiting for someone, but it seems like they have forgotten",

"How can someone forget you?",

That was too quickly said, he probably scared her off. But she stayed quiet like she was recalling a memory. It didn't seem like a pleasant one. Olivier tried to reach out to her if he only wasn't interrupted by his Àlpha.

"Sorry, I had to make sure the borders were rogue proof. Are you ready?", he held his hand out for Aurora.


Her eyes filled with love, Olivier could detect that immediately, instead of his clueless Àlpha. She was falling in love with him and he was so oblivious to see over it, or he simply ignored it. This frustrated the Omega.

How could the Moon Goddess pair her soul to the Àlphas, who clearly would never love her?

The final smile she gave him, was one he'd never forget. She had flashed her perfect white teeth and stretched her full red lips.

He knew right there and then that she would become his, no matter how.


The Claw Pack was maybe even worse than the Blood Moon Pack. We entered the property and I immediately saw people training, Warriors. They had a lot of Warriors.

"Put on your angel smile, Àlpha Darren can't say no to girls", Eros told me and jumped out of the car.

My heart was beating fast and I did as told. Lucius helped me out of the car and immediately all eyes were set on me. I was a famous recording artist, I got used to it, but this felt different.

It was like they never saw a girl before.

Lucius pulled me further to a large house that must've been the packhouse. It was different than Eros', this one was made of pure steel and was a straight square with no garden or flowers.

Emotionless to say the least.

"Beta Michael", Eros addressed a man, who hurried up to us.

The Beta had grey hair and dark eyes, he looked in his sixties at least. He was quite old for a Beta. He bowed for Eros and they paid their respects.

"My Àlpha is waiting for you in his office, I'll bring you, Àlpha",

We followed him inside the steel square. Inside it was cold and weird. How could people call this a home? It was so strict and distant. We walked through steal halls until we reached a wooden grand door.

Beta Michael pushed the doors open and in a grand chair sat the Alpha. Pepper-salt hair with dark eyes, he looked a decade younger than his Beta. It confused me even more, normally Àlpha and Beta share the same age, for a better connection.

"Àlpha Eros",

"Àlpha Darren",

They greeted each other with respect as every Àlpha should. I stayed in the background next to Lucius. My eyes took in the chilling room and I shivered slightly. This pack made me nervous and uncomfortable.

"Who's that?", a voice from the background asked.

A boy, around my age, stepped into the light. He had pale white skin with dark hair and dark eyes, like almost everyone in this pack. His squared chin pointed at me as he looked confused. My eyes fell on the huge scar on his left cheek that brought disharmony to his fairly handsome face.

I wondered how he got that? 

"Aurora", Eros replied, without looking at me.

He grew back to his emotionless state around people, who weren't from his pack. I understood that you always had to be prepared on unknown grounds. That's what he told me.

"Is that a girl, father?", he asked Àlpha Darren.

A girl? Did he act like he never saw a girl before? I was confused by this pack, the way the watched me. I first thought it was just because of my career, but something told me it wasn't that.

"Yes and a very pretty one too", his father replied, making me blush.

I couldn't stand compliments, I just didn't know how to act after receiving them.

"We've come to discuss the upcoming war, Àlpha Darren", Eros broke through the weird tension.

I was grateful because he saved me from embarrassing myself. Àlpha Darren grinned wickedly and his son behind him stood straighter.

"You want allies, don't you?",

"As much as I hate to admit it, the rogues are growing with numbers and are getting stronger. If we all unite we have a higher chance to defeat them",

Àlpha Darren nodded, he clearly agreed. His chair squeaked when he raised himself. He was still very fit, like every Àlpha, despite his age. And he was tall, almost reaching Eros, who was around 6'4 at least.

"You are right, Àlpha Eros, but I promised lunch and I'm not a bad host",

A hand was held out for me and I met the son's eyes. My stomach turned, I couldn't keep my eyes off his scar, but he didn't seem to mind. I looked at Lucius, who nodded for me to take his hand.

I took ahold of his raw and rough hand. He seemed to like the feeling of holding mine because he kept caressing it. Now I really questioned if he ever saw a girl before.

"My name is Dexter",


Another chapter.
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