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Jasmine knew to tell Eros great news when he returned from his trip to the Howl Pack. In her normal happy mood, she waltzed over to him with a cheeky smile, followed by his little sister.

"Àlpha Eros",

"Jasmine", he nodded.

They were in the kitchen and he was making himself and Lucius coffee because they desperately needed it. His little sister climbed on the counter next to him, trying to grasp his coffee, but he wouldn't let her.

"I've talked to my father and knew to convince him to agree on your terms. We would love to support you in the war and become part of your pack",

"Thank you, Jasmine",

He was truly grateful and flashed her a smile, making her even more active. Lucius patted his back, he looked relieved. Now they only needed the Felix Packs support and they could beat the rogues.

"Stop it, Aphrodite", he warned his sister when she tried to grab his coffee.

"But I want to try", she pouted.

"It's bad for you",

"You're not my dad", she snapped harshly.

Silence fell and he didn't know how to react to that. Her eyes seemed to tear up and he just froze, not able to comfort her. Their parents died when she was pretty young and she never really expressed that she truly missed them.

Mostly because she wanted to make her brother proud.

"Aphr-", she cut him off by running away.

He tried to chase her, but Jasmine stopped him. She eyed him and shook her head. Aphrodite needed some time alone, she just had to let it all out for once.


A knock on my door interrupted me from my nap. I stood up and went to open it, only to see a crying Aphrodite. Before I could react, she had wrapped herself around me and started to cry hard.

In pure reflex, I pulled her closer and caressed her long brown hair. She shivered while she cried, so I closed the door and lead her to my sofa, sitting us down. I just let her cry everything out before I would fire her with questions.

Sometimes you just needed someone to hold you, while you cried. I knew that from own experience.

"I'm sorry for bothering you like-",

"Honey, you aren't bothering me at all. You can cry as much as you want with me. I'm here for you, okay?",

She smiled gratefully and I handed her some tissues to wipe her tears away. Her pretty face was red from crying, so I opened a window for better ventilation.

"Are you going to tell me why you were crying?",

"It's just...", she took a deep breath.

"When I lost my parents, I was so young, I didn't know how to react to such loss. Now I'm older and I realize how much I truly miss them. Sometimes I just act like a spoiled child, because I don't want my brother to raise me, I want my mom and my dad",

I sighed and caressed her swollen cheeks. My eyes were getting wet themselves, but I pushed it down. I needed to be strong for her, I needed to help her, advice her.

"I lost my dad too after I lost him to a rogue attack. He was the best man I knew and I always seemed to forget how much he loved me, even though he reminded me of that till his last days. And when I lost him, everything just fell apart...",

She eyed me concerned, but I shrugged off the sad feeling. I had to continue.

"You're lucky to have a brother like Eros, one that loves you and cares for you. When I lost my dad, I lost my family. I lost my home and I lost myself",

"I don't understand",

"You just need to understand that you have a brother that loves you. If you just hold onto that thought, I'm sure you will make it through. Your parents would be proud of you if they knew how beautiful and amazing you turned out to be",

Now happy tears rolled down her cheeks. She flew into my arms and I caught her. I guess my sad story just saved another one.


Angela watched Aphrodite, Jasmine, and Aurora outside in the garden, giggling and having fun. Her hands clenched into fists and she groaned in anger. She had enough of Aurora trying to replace her big sister.

"Stop it, Angela", Harriet snapped.

They were making lunch together and Angela wasn't actually helping, because she was busy glaring at Aurora. Harriet had found a special liking for the girl, so it didn't surprise Angela that she stood up for her.

"She's not staying, I hope you know that", she spat at the elder.

"I've had enough from your childish manners, get out of my kitchen",

The Betas mate scoffed and stormed out, only getting angrier by the passing seconds. She was on her way to storm outside, to tell the cursed girl what was on her mind, if she only didn't felt so dizzy and nauseous.

"Angela?", she crossed paths with her Àlpha.

"Hey, are you alright?" 

"I'm fine-",

And she threw up on his expensive shoes.

Another chapter.
I hope you like it!
The next update, Wednesday, will be a double one!
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