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Luna Uma was prepping a medicine to give Aurora some strength because the war had begun. Not long after they returned Liza, the rogues attacked. So they quickly evacuated all the woman and children and the first Warriors went to fight.

"Who's she?", Liza asked Eros pointing curiously at a sleepy Aurora.

"Aurora, she's the weapon to defeat the rogues",

"I don't understand",

Aurora jumped awake, feeling a rush of adrenaline. Her eyes met Liza's and she immediately felt it ebb away. The girl was ten times more beautiful than her and it was clear that Eros was crazy about her.

"Look, go with Luna Uma, I'll explain everything later. I promise", he told her.

"Okay, just be safe", she kissed him deeply.

She had missed those perfect lips of his.

Aurora froze and looked away quickly, outside where the gigantic fight was forming. That's when she made her vow.

She would fight as hard as she could, to only death stopping her.

Death didn't sound so scary now after seeing the two mates.


Eros grabbed Aurora and James by the elbow before they could hurry into the fight. The rest of the Alphas went and so did Lucius.

"I don't want you to get hurt and James doesn't want that either", he told Aurora.

"It's a war, you cannot expect me to not get hurt", she snapped at him.

"We stay by her side, the entire time", he turned to James.

He nodded and it irritated Aurora a lot. She groaned and started to walk away, but James pulled her back under his arm.

"You're not going to get hurt today. That's the only fücking reason I'm here", he told her sternly.

"Well you both hurt me before, I don't even understand why you care now",

And she ran the battlefield in. The boys shared a glance and chased her. They both knew they hurt her, a crazy amount, so they would make sure she made it out alive.

So they could make it up to her.


"Where the fück is she?!", Eros demanded to tear a rogue to pieces with his bare hands.

They had lost sight of Aurora. James was busy fighting a gigantic rogue off, but once he did, he turned to the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack and shrugged. He tried to smell her, but the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

"I don't know! She was just here!", he pointed to the spot next to him.

How could the lose her so easily? They just prayed nothing bad had happened to her.


Once I had my eyes on Hades, I chased him. Eros and James were busy fighting off a group of rogues, while I ran after the leader. I passed by rogues, who tried to jump on me, but the Warriors were able to keep them away from me.

Hades was running into the woods and it was confusing me. Where the hell was he going? We passed a stream and I used my powers to blow a wave at his way. He fell over, completely drenched and our eyes met.

"If it isn't my darling Aurora!", he smirked coughing up water.

"Hades", I spat.

He pouted and raised himself, I could see his muscular body underneath his wet clothes and he caught my gaze. A smirk formed on his handsome face as he walked towards me.

"You are liking what you see and I'm liking what I see", he stated.

"Get back", I snapped.

"Why are you even fighting for him? What has he done for you? When did he make you feel like you actually worth something?",

"Shut up", I snapped.

"Eros treats you like shit, James treats you like shit, I don't. I'm actually able to care for you if you only join my forces. Just imagine how great we would have it",

He stood in front of me now, cupping my face. We were dangerously close and he was leaning to reach my lips.

"You could be my Queen and we could together put everybody free from Alphas. Go back to the way we used to be, run free in the woods without higher-ranked assholes pushing us down. We can reach the highest form of freedom together",

I felt his breath against my lips and suddenly I was in a trance. A part of me wanted to kiss him because he was so close and really hot. Another part of me wanted to join him because I didn't want to be hurt anymore.

But that wasn't who I was.

"You fücking bitch", he spat when I kicked him in his manhood.

"I'm not your Queen, asshole",

He stood up straight, caressing his junk, a devil glare forming. Now I knew why his parents named him Hades.

"You want to play it that way. Alright. Here you go, princess",

A punch came straight in my face and now I knew.

The war had begun.

I'm extremely excited about the next chap because it is an important milestone in the story. But it will also break my heart. Ughhh, I'm confused.
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