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Complete darkness. His body was numb and Eros felt like he couldn't breathe. He felt like he would die from the heartache. It has three months since she left him for that asshole, but he still wasn't over her.

He went to hell to get her back and he lost her so easily. All to a guy that just flashed a smile and won her over. Why was fate so terrible?

Those witches were right. Fate has a cruel way of playing out.

Still, he had a pack to take care of, a life to continue. Someway, later, he would have to select a Luna, for the sake of an heir. He wouldn't be the one that stopped the line of his family.

Of course, you had Aurora, but she has gone back to the humans, agreeing to come to visit once a month. He didn't want her to leave, because she was all he had left. He wanted to see her beautiful face when he woke up and when he wants to sleep.

Liza was right, she did steal his heart from her.

"Be careful there",

Angela, six months pregnant, was carrying a large box. He ran to her side and took it from her. Scoffing she tried to take it back, but he wouldn't let her.

"I'm perfectly capable of carrying that box", she pouted.

"Of course you are. Where to go, missy?",


He chuckled at her frustrated state. Lucius was worse to be honest, he didn't even let her go to the toilet alone. Eros knew that he was now at the borders because he told him to. Otherwise, Angela never would've done this.

They walked into the kitchen and he could hear his little sister and Jasmine singing loudly. He froze, recognizing the song. Aurora. Her face flushed for his eyes and he felt dizzy again. His wolf was howling in pain because she wasn't near.

"Eros?", Angela brought him back.

He shook it off and laid the box on the counter. All the eyes were set on him, but he made sure his face was emotionless. Aphrodite reached out for her brother, for a hug and he gave in.

How could he deny the comfort of his baby sister?

"Àlpha, there's a visit for you", Lucius walked in with a bright smile.

And he already knew who it was.


His dark office was suddenly full of life because she sat there. Her brown hair got longer, reaching her low back and it was so full. She was wearing jeans with a strapless top, her chest visible to his eyes and he couldn't help but get excited.

She looked like a woman, no longer a little girl.

"Eros", her eyes fell on him and he froze.

They kept their glance long and the intimacy in the room grew, mixed with lust and love, but sadness as well. He missed her so much.

"Aurora", his voice was weak.

She raised herself and it seemed like she grew a bit, but she was still small. He missed that, he wanted to notice those little things as days would pass. He wanted her to never leave his side.

But how could he tell her that?

"I'm here for the monthly visit",

"Stay forever",

Did he really say that out loud? He shocked both of them, but it was the damn truth. There was no denying it anymore, no hiding of his true feelings. This was his moment, to tell her everything.

Nothing was holding him back.

"I don't want you to leave",

"I don't understand", she whispered as he neared her.

"Do you remember when I found you, after the war?",

Tears popped into her eyes and she looked away like she was embarrassed. He cupped her face and forced her to look at him, showcasing all his emotions for her to watch.

And that was overwhelming.

"You asked me to kill you. Why would you do that to me?", his voice broke.

"We both know that I'm not what you want. I couldn't stand the thought to live next to you and Liza, watching you two be happy together. I would've rather died",

"You're all I want",

Tears fell down her cheeks and he caught them swiftly, pulling her closer to him.

"How can you not know what it would do to me if you died?", he whispered.

"It would save you a lot of trouble",

Now they were flat against each other, he was angry with what she said. But he knew it was his fault. He pushed her in that direction of believing.

"I would've died", he corrected her.

"How can you not know how much you mean to me? That you're my girl, my everything. The one I want to wake up with and say goodnight too. To have you by my side till the day I die and in the afterlife",

"Why are you so confusing?! You were the one to fill my head with the thought we would never happen!",

He did. And that would be his biggest regret. He did that to condemn his feelings. To keep his feelings for a girl that was destined to leave him.

"I regret that. I regret all the pain I ever put you through. I'm a fücking asshole, I don't deserve you",

"I don't deserve you", she corrected him.

"You're perfect, Aurora, never doubt that again",

More tears escaped her eyes and he pulled her face closer to his, their lips inches apart. This was all he wanted, to hold her and kiss her forever.

"I love you", he spoke as tears rolled down his cheeks.

She caught them shocked and stared at him. Never had she imagined him crying for her. It was a sight that broke her apart and she wanted to never see him cry again.

"I love you too", she sobbed out.

And their lips touched. At that moment they knew that this was the moment.

She was his and he was hers.

This was so sweet☺️
I hoped you liked it!
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