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***CONTAINS HEAVY SUBJECTS AS SUICIDE—>if triggered, please do not read***

The news spread as fast as for Finn Grey to arrive in the Blood Moon Pack. Gamma Hunter was confused by the male wolf with a young baby girl in his arms. It seemed like he ran, from somewhere far.

"Who are you and why do you want to enter our property?", he demanded.

"Finn Grey, I'm from the Felix Pack. I am here to deliver this young baby to your Luna",

Hunter grumbled and took a look at the child, it had a strong smell. Too strong to belong to the male. A smell of an Alpha.

"Where did you get this baby from?",

"Tell your Luna my name and she will know me",

The Warriors started to get a bit angry. They didn't like the way this unknown wolf talked about their Luna. It was normal for Warriors to feel protective over the Luna, because their Àlpha was and they only followed direct orders from him. And one was to protect his mate with their lives when necessary.

"Identify the child or get lost", Hunter snapped.

"You really need-", the Warriors started to growl.

Leaving Finn no choice. He caressed the baby in his arms as she cried, scared by the intimidating wolves.

"Celeste Smith, daughter of Alice Smith",

Hunters face fell and now he knew why the baby was so familiar. She resembled much of her mother and her father...

"That's Àlpha James' daughter",

If Àlpha James knew they let the kidnapper of his child on their property, that meant war.

"Please let me talk to the Luna, to the Alpha. Celeste is in danger",

"The child needs to return to her parents",

"Her father wants to kill her",

The group grew quiet by the brutal honesty of Finn. They tried to find any traces of lies, but none. So Hunter signaled his Àlpha and told him to bring along Aurora.

She might want to meet her niece.


Aurora knew Peter, he was one of her closest friends back when she was younger. They had kept contact even after she was thrown out of the pack, but it wasn't frequent. It was against wolf law to talk to lone wolves.

"Finn!", she ran into his arms and they hugged each other tight.

Only to be interrupted by a loud growl. An Àlpha male hating the sight of an unmated male touching his wife. Aurora blushed and pulled away, to be dragged into Eros' arms.

"Who the hell are you?!", he demanded of Finn.

"Eros, this is a friend of mine! Be nice",

Aurora looked at him, but he kept his scowl. Hunter interrupted the two by showcasing young Celeste. Eros immediately caught her sense and moved to the child, but his mate cut him too it.

"And who are you, sweetheart?", she planted a kiss on her little forehead.

"Celeste Smith, your sister gave birth", Finn spoke.

She froze and stared at the baby, recognizing the dark hair and blue greenish eyes. Although she could find a lot of James in her too, mostly features.

"Why do you have Àlpha James' daughter?!",

"He wants her dead",

In reflex Aurora pulled her niece closer to her chest. Why would James want to kill his own daughter? Especially when she was so pretty and cute.

"Maybe you should start explaining the story", Eros spoke.

Finn took a deep breath and did as told.

"Àlpha James disappeared for a week after Celeste was born. He was so angry that she was a girl, since he had longed for a boy. It was pure hell, he stripped Alice from her title and turned her and her mother into lone wolves right that instant. As for his daughter, he wanted her dead. No one knows why, but Alice managed to escape with her",

"We crossed roads while I was in Seattle for university. She told me what happened and what my income in the story would be. She told me to take Celeste and head to Blood Moon Pack. She told me about you and your husband, Aurora...",

Aurora was quiet and felt her heart beat fast. Celeste was falling asleep in her aunts arms, enjoying the feeling of a somehow motherly affection.

"Alice told me to make sure that you would look after her child. That's when she told me what she was up to...",

"You need to know I tried to stop her. We were in the train station, to take a train closer to your grounds. She just given birth and she couldn't walk all the miles. I was just looking for the hour of the next train and before I knew it-",

Finn couldn't say it, not when she looked at him like that. Aurora may be powerful, but this news will destroy her. Eros caught up with the story and had a feeling to were it was leading. His arm wrapped around Aurora.

"What happened?", she demanded, her voice already shaking.

"Love, maybe-",

"Finn, I need to know",

The Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack held himself ready to catch her fall apart, to fix her as soon as he could. But this would hurt her so much.

"There was a train coming and I could catch her in time. She jumped in front of it",

A long silence erupted in the room and they all watched their Luna carefully. Her lower lip started to tremble and Eros heart broke at the sight. He wanted to take all the words back, make sure Alice was still alive, but she wasn't.

Aurora held out Celeste for someone to take her. Finn did and he turned the baby girl away, so she wouldn't see her sobbing aunt. Eros pulled her on his lap and tried to comfort her, but she was hurt.

"What about my mom?",

"Luna Uma has provided her shelter, she is quite found of the Dawn Pack",

"Does she know?",

Finn turned silent. This was already more than difficult to tell, to her sister. Her mother would be ten times worse and he didn't know if he had the strength.

Aurora hide in Eros' chest. Crying her eyes out. The sisters may had a rough period, but they once were close and loved each other dearly. The plan was to try to retrieve that, but it was impossible now.

They would never get a chance to talk and work things out.


This was a very hard chapter to write. And for everyone out there struggling or dealing with some heavy things, please know your worth it and there are people who love you dearly.
Never forget there's always light in darkness and it's important to focus on the light.
I love you and you're worth it to me.

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