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The lunch was different. It wasn't something I would've chosen myself to eat, but all the men in the room attacked it like animals. Which they practically were. Steak, lots of steaks and French fries. That was basic and poor.

I tried to cut the steak with my knife, but it was too hard like it had been waiting for me for centuries. Dexter caught up with my despair and chuckled, patting my hair like I was a dog.

"You need to use your hands, girl", he kept using the word girl.

My jaw dropped in realization and I looked at Eros and Lucius, they haven't touched their plate yet. Eros caught my eyes and just stared at me. Was he sending a message or what was he doing?

"Thank you",

Dexter smiled brightly, the scar almost disappearing. He was cute when he smiled, but I felt in no way attracted to him. First, because he treated me like a kid and second my heart, unwillingly, already belonged to a blue-eyed monster.


I tried to stop it, reminding myself that we could never happen. But then I spent the last week with him, making war plans and I saw a new side of him. A calm and intelligent side that sparked something loose inside of me.

It was like I saw him for the first time.

"So what's the plan, Àlpha Eros?", Àlpha Darren had finished his steak in one bite and started his fifth already.

He was hungry.

"I'm trying to unite the surrounding packs",

"Good luck with the Felix Pack",

My breathing stopped and I felt a rush of fear overpower me. My old pack. A place full of hell and horrible memories. I prayed to the Moon Goddess that I would never have to return there.

"Àlpha James is a close friend of mine", Eros assured him.

A close friend. How close? I shut my eyes and tried to calm down my breathing. We would visit his pack as last, I knew that for sure. I just had to find my way around it, find a way for Eros to leave me home and go without me.

"Fine, let's hope your friend is that close",

"So does that mean you'll join us?", I asked, just to change subjects.

Àlpha Darren gave me a wide smirk, his teeth were filled with pieces of meat, but he didn't seem to care or he just didn't know it.

"Of course, the Claw Pack always loves a good fight, girl",

What was it with them and the word girl? Eros introduced me as Aurora, they knew my bloody name. I just nodded and Eros seemed relieved, but he quickly hides that.

"So whose the weapon?", he asked taking a large sip of his beer.


The room buckled up in laughter and I felt offended. I frowned at the Alpha, but he just continued laughing at me. Eros rolled his eyes and nodded at me to calm down.

"I can show you if you don't believe me", I ignored him.

"Be my guest", Dexter chuckled.

My veins were pumping and I created a large tornado in the middle of the room, the steaks flying everywhere. I was so angry that they couldn't imagine me as the weapon. I knew that I looked like a pup, Eros told me that countless of times, but at least he believed that I was the weapon.

"I believe you!", Dexter screamed, hiding under the table.

Eros grabbed my hand to stop me because I lost control for a second. My heart was going wild and I felt my body go numb. The room turned deadly quiet.

"We'll stand by your side and Auroras",

That was the first time Àlpha Darren said my name and it wouldn't be the last.


Angela watched how Eros carried a sleeping Aurora inside. Her short pale arms were wrapped around his broad neck as he had her lifted up in bridal style.

Anger filled her veins and she wanted to just punch the girl. She was touching her sister's mate, she was trying to steal Eros from Liza. But she wouldn't let that happen, she just couldn't.

"Love, please don't", Lucius stopped his mate.

"She's trying to steal him from Lizzy", she whispered upset.

He pulled her in a loving hug and kissed her worried forehead. He loved her more than anything in the entire world, he would die for her, but her behavior was getting out of hand.

She was partly accountable for Eros' misstep on Aurora.

"She's a girl with feelings and a heart. Believe me, when I tell you this, Aurora has no hope in their relationship. Just let her alone, she's been already hurt enough",

A girl with feelings and a heart.

Why did she keep forgetting that?

Another chapter.
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