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Aurora walked into my office the next morning completely fine. After I laid her in her bed, she fell into a deep sleep. That concerned me. We had to find a way for her to use her powers without getting so worn out.

Especially for the war.

"Have you slept well?", I asked her, reading through some papers.

"Yeah", she replied sitting down on my sofa.

It was silent for a while, but comfortable. I stacked the papers as she hugged her legs to her chest and rested her chin on her knee.

"Are you ready for the Faith Pack today?", I asked, sitting down in my chair.

She nodded and turned to me. Her big blue eyes stood curious, so I knew she was going to ask me a question.

"The Claw Pack, it was like they never saw a girl before-",

"Centuries ago the Claw Pack and the Faith Pack were one, called the Ajax pack, but they split after the Alpha and Luna had a gigantic fight. So they shared the grounds, only for the men and women to live apart. They only once meet, but that's when they reach twenty and they need to get together to create new pups",

She frowned deeply and cringed a bit. It was a weird system, I got her confusion, but it was the way they lived. And it seemed to work because they had the best warriors and healers.

"Was that the reason Dexter was such a creep?",

"He never saw a girl in his life, next year he's going to get together with the strongest female and they'll produce a new heir for the Alpha title and a Luna",

"Okay, I get it. It's giving me the creeps", she nodded.

A chuckle escaped my mouth as she stood up and shrugged her body. My eyes took her body in and I saw a clear difference, she was getting stronger by the passing days.

She caught me staring and turned bright red. I cleared my throat and went back to work. That was awkward, to say the least.

"I-I'll see you later", she stuttered and escaped my office.



The women in the Faith Pack were gorgeous and they were well aware of it. We drove in and all attention was on us, better said on Eros. Lucius couldn't make it today, because he had to help Hunter with the borders, so it was just me and Eros.

Eros was a Greek god when it came to his beauty. I've met a thousand of handsome men before, but he always seemed to superb them. No one could deny how perfect he was, which made it a lot harder for me not to fall in love with him.

"A man", voices whispered repeatedly, clearly excited.

Girls from around my age all hurried around us, giving me a dirty glare and him a lustful glance. I felt uncomfortable and deep inside so jealous, he was still my mate and I couldn't stand other females watching him in that way.

"Àlpha Eros, it's always a pleasure to see that handsome face of yours", a woman stepped forward.

She had long blond hair and deep forest green eyes. Her smile was grand and real, but she looked like she could be his mother. I guessed that she was Luna.

"Luna Uma", Eros took her hand and planted a kiss on it.

Giggles and sighs filled the group and I eyed the girls, who clearly couldn't contain themselves anymore. I guessed that they never saw a man in their life before, just like the Claw Pack with girls. And have Eros as their first must be magnificent.

I just hoped they realized he was an exception with his beauty.

"And who is this gorgeous piece of art next to you?", she stepped to me, caressing my chin softly.

Unconsciously I leaned forward because I was foreign with such motherly love and affection. It felt nice and safe.

"Aurora", Eros introduced me.

"She's very lovely. How are you two acquaintances?", she wondered.

"Aurora is the weapon to destroy the rogues",

The girls stopped glaring at me and gasped deeply, now eyeing me with reception and honor. That was strange...

"I can feel her strong heart", Luna Uma commented, pushing my hair behind my shoulder.

"But it's been broken a lot of times",

My breathing stopped and I bite my lip. I felt suddenly naked and exposed. It surprised that she even felt my heart because I gave up on that years ago. After everything I've been through, it still surprised me that I was able to breathe or to actually be alive.

"We are here to discuss war plans", Eros changed the subject.


"Of course, you are. Come I just prepared some tea", she held onto my hand and guided me along.

A cup of tea didn't sound so bad right now.

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