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***This chapter contains heavy VIOLENCE***

Harriet looked down at the young wolf. Aurora was in a deep sleep and she caressed her soft brown locks. Each time you gazed into her blue eyes, you could see a pained past. A past too horrible for a young girl like her.

"H-Harriet?", she was awake.

"Here you go, dear", the older lady handed her a glass of water.

In a moment of pure thirst, Aurora drank it in all at once and sat up, smiling shyly. Harriet smiled and took the glass back. The room was still naked and unpleasant.

"Why don't you decorate your room?",

"I've been made clear that I'm not allowed to stay long",

Of course, she almost forgot her Àlphas plan. Luna Liza was the best thing to ever have happened to him and his pack but was it really worth breaking such a nice and kind girl.

It would've been easier if the girl was mean and cold. Harriet wouldn't have minded breaking her, because she would've been a bad person.

Aurora was far from that.

"I'm so sorry, you're such a sweet girl",

"Thank you",

"What if I make you some delicious cookies? You most certainly deserved that",

Cookies. They could really solve a lot.


I should've probably thanked her, but I didn't. Three days. She had been asleep for three days. Iason kept bugging me to go visit her, but I chose to ignore him. Of course, somewhere deep inside of me, I was worried about her.

The dark witches were right, I had this enormous pull to protect her 24/7.

The more endangered she got, the harder it was to resist the pull. I kept putting Liza to my mind, but I feared that the pull would become so large, that she would vanish.

The fourth day she came downstairs for breakfast and caught my eyes. It looked like she waited for me, to do anything, as long as I acknowledged her. I didn't answer her and turned to Lucius, talking about the borders and things that actually didn't matter compared to her well being.

She was my weapon, I shouldn't forget that.

"Take a deep breath, honey", Angela grabbed my attention.

Jasmine was here for three days already and she had assured me that her stay was wonderful so far. I hoped she could convince her father that all the rumors were indeed false.

Now she was hyperventilating and Angela tried to calm her down. Aphrodite caught my gaze and pointed at Aurora at the coffee machine, she mouthed something like 'big fan'.

Why do I keep forgetting she was this huge celebrity? Around here she was normal, well as far as normal can go if you can control the elements.

"Are you alright, Jasmine?", I asked carefully.

"That's A-A-A-", she couldn't speak anymore.

Aurora caught up with the entire scene and she eyed me, I nod my head. Slowly she backed away, out of the room, like she just understood me with one nod. It scared me.

Jasmine got up before anyone of us could react and had bolted out of the room. Everybody busted out in laughter and I followed her. She's still my responsibility. Aphrodite ran by my side and we exited the room, to see Jasmine on top of Aurora.

"It's really you!", she squealed excitedly.

Her big blue eyes went wide as they always did and I helped Jasmine off her. Aurora quickly got to her feet, while I held back the over hormonal teenage girl.

"Àlpha Eros? I didn't know you were connected to Aurora Smith! I'll definitely convince my father now",

It seemed that I started to own her a lot.


Angela walked in on something she prayed would never happen. The pack bonding with Aurora. A few of her closest friends were seated with her around a table at dinner. It was like her heart dropped and she couldn't breathe anymore.

It was like she was already replacing Liza.

Lucius caught the gaze of his hurt mate and frowned concernedly. Angela ran out of the room and he followed her. The hallways lead to one way, Liza's grave. His mate never visited it, because she would only cry and feel horrible all over again.

Why would she go now?

Eros sat near the grave, replacing the white roses like he always did. The sight of a crying Angela put a stop to that and he caught her when she fell down. She's always been like a little sister to him and he truly cared about her well being.

"Please, don't replace her, tell me you'll love her forever", she begged.

Lucius caught the two and grabbed his mate for his own embrace, worried. She sobbed into his chest, while Eros gazed at the grave. Her words cut into him and he realized he was growing soft on Aurora.

He was forgetting his Liza.


A fit of rage. I had stopped thinking of him as a monster unconsciously, but after now I did again. He was the cruelest monster there existed, worse than the devil that humans feared so much.

Eros was far worse.

The room he gifted to me, my room, all down to the wreck. He had come in and broke every instrument, ignoring my pleas. His eyes were blue, so I couldn't fault his wolf. It was truly him, Eros was in control.

Which made it all a lot worse.

"Please, just stop!", I screamed, tears running down my face.

I watched how he finally destroyed the grand piano wing and I fell to the ground. He looked breathless and frozen in time. I screamed at him that I hated him, but he only replied with a smirk.

"You're a monster! A monster!", I screamed.

"I am! I don't give a fuck, little girl! You're only my weapon, you're just going to bring my Liza back!", he screamed in my face.

I tried to back away, but his hand found a way around my neck and he lifted me off the ground. All the oxygen left my body and I tried to stop him, but he tightened his grip.

The hate clear in his eyes.

"The moment you start feeling at home here, I will destroy you. The moment you think your life will be fine, I will prove to you otherwise. The only thing you deserve is true torment, you don't even deserve to be alive", he spat and threw me on the ground.

With loud gasps, I tried to regain my breath, but my throat was burning. I felt the need to throw up and I would very soon. I hide my face away from him, crawling away from the monster.

"Monster", I whispered before I passed out.

Very hard to write, but it had to happen.
The next chap will be up on Monday.
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