Chapter two

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Author's Note: 

There are only a few changes in this chapter.


Marriage is a pure relationship where husband and wife complete each other and love one another till the end but what if you don't see your husband's face, even when you stay beneath the same roof?

This is how my marriage is

I have not seen Abhimanyu in these two weeks of marriage, even if we stay in the same house. The house I currently live in is a 2 story with 5 bedrooms and 2 master bedrooms. One of the master bedrooms which is Abhimanyu's room also has an indoor pool. There is also an outdoor pool, personal gym, theatre room, gaming room, pooja ghar (a place at home where we keep the idols of gods and worship them), and a library. Abhimanyu has created a space in the library where he works so it is also his office.

In this extra-large house, there are only three people. I, Abhimanyu, and Lakshmi Kaki who is our housemaid. Many other servants work in shifts but she is the only housemaid. She is an elderly woman in her early fifties with greying hair and warm black eyes. She is like the elderly figure in the house. She has worked for Saxena's for almost thirty years now. She watched Abhimanyu grow up.

She used to stay with her husband but after her husband died in a car accident Abhimanyu asked her to move here. She didn't have children anyway so she decided it was a good idea for her.

Anyone will die to have a life like me now, staying in such a big house and no restrictions and no work. Just do anything you wish for. I used to wish for such a life where I could watch movies and eat lots of food served to me on my bed but trust me after a while this kind of life sucks. And I'm bored in this house now and I don't have anything better to do.

What about my husband? Well, he comes home after I am asleep and leaves before I wake up. It baffles me how he manages to do that.

I did my daily night routine and changed into my nightwear and went to bed. I was not sleepy, so I decided to read some books. After a while of reading, my eyes felt heavy indicating that it's time to sleep.

I saw the empty bottle on my bedside table and groaned because now I have to make a journey downstairs to fetch some water.

Opening the bedroom door, I made my way out of the room, but I stopped dead in my tracks when the weird noise landed in my ears.

I followed the noise and realized that they were coming from the living room. I made my way to the living room and picked a vase from the table. What if it is an intruder? I must prepare myself. When I reached the living room, I saw a figure sitting on the couch.

When I reached closer, I saw Abhimanyu sitting on the couch with his head hung low. I proceeded near him and was shocked to see his disheveled state. His hair which was gelled usually was unkempt. He was in a completely messed up state. His hand was bleeding, and he was treating it with some antiseptic.

Did he fight with someone?

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