Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Chapter 37:

I am here with my new friends trying to enjoy the night but at the same time all I can think about is what is Abhimanyu's planning to 'keep me safe' as he said it. He wil not have some bodyguards following me right?

"Ishita, what will you have?" Gaurav asked

"I'll have a Margarita" I said after looking at everyone else's order. I wanted to have something strong on the rocks without any mixers but since all of them have order some or the other cocktails I didn't wanted to be the odd one out and order just a beer.

"Okay, coming right up" Gaurav said and left to get our drinks.

"So Ishita, anything interesting happened at work today?" Kashish asked

"We want the gossip girl, you are like the first ever employee who has stood up against Abhimanyu. I mean I am the person known for taking no one's shit and even I didn't have the courage to stand up against Abhimanyu." Khayati added.

"Nothing interesting has happened yet. He has been a good boss so far that projector incident was the only one. I hope nothing like that happens again."

I had alot of things running in my mind while saying this. This week has been the most interesting week in the two months of our marriage. I am getting to know Abhimanyu, his likes, dislikes and everything in between. I now know that his favourite color is black just like mine. He says that's the color of his soul. I could have agreed with him before but now I don't know when I look at him I don't see anything close to black in him. I see light as if he is bringing light back in my life. It's not like I was not happy earlier but I never experienced a carefree laugh or a genuine smile which I find myself doing a lot lately whenever I am with him. And when I am not with him which happens rarely or only when he has late night meetings otherwise we are mostly together but I still wait for the time we are alone, eating, laughing, talking. He makes me look forward to our time together.

Lately we have also being doing little things together like going grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning the house these things were never interesting for me but someone he makes it interesting. I don't know what this feeling is but I am not ready for it to vanish just yet. I know I'll eventually have to move back to London I don't have arrangements in place to manage everything there for more than six months. I'll have to go back to old life where I was happy but at the same time not really happy, you know what I mean?

"Is that Abhimanyu? I mean boss?" Suresh's word brought me back from my thoughts.

"Yes, it is boss" Mysha said shock written all over her face. "He is wearing casuals, he looks hot with anything he wears" she added. Rage took over me at her words, I know she was just appreciating him but still I was jealous. Jealous? Where did that come from

"Hi Sir" The way Mysa was smiling at him was anything but professional at this point. Maybe she had a lot to drink maybe not but I don't like the way she is looking at him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Abhimanyu with irritation clear in my voice.

"I am here to meet very important person"

"Oh really, so where is this very important person of yours?"

"Right in front of me" to say I was shocked by his reply would be an understatement. I never expected him to say that and absolutely not in front of everyone.

"Abhimanyu, what's up" said a voice from behind me. I turned to look to find the guy who was in Abhimanyu's office earlier today, what was his name? Oh yes, Vedh.

"Hi Vedh" Abhimanyu said not taking his eyes off of me.

"Oh, your employees are here" he said looking at Khayati and she looked extremely pissed by his arrival. And if the his eyes could speak they'd say he looked amused by her expression. There's something going on here. I'll have to ask her.

"Hi, Bha...Umm... Ishita" He said. I am sure he was about to say Bhabhi but thank god Abhimanyu kicked him at the right moment. I looked at everyone else and noticed no one paid attention to this little slip up and Abhimanyu's kick.

"Hi Vedh"

"Do you guys mind if we join you guys? As much as I love my friend he can be a boring company sometimes." This earned him a slap on the back of his head, this time Abhimanyu didn't bother to hide it this time.

"Sure, we would love you to join us Sir" you guessed it right. It was Mysa who said it to Abhimanyu even though Vedh was the one who asked the question. She was getting on my nerves now.

"Thank you, what are you guys drinking?" Abhimanyu asked. Even though he was talking to everyone but was looking at me and my drinks.

"Just some cocktails"

"Margarita" Me and Mysha said at the same time.

Mysha was a beautiful woman with gorgeous face and model figure any men would be lining for her but Abhimanyu has not looked at her the entire time he was here even though it is clear that all he had to do was smile at her and she would follow him like love sick puppy. He has not even looked anyone more than a glance just me. Abhimanyu was sitting perpendicular to me since this was a rectangle table and next to Mysha. He occupied the long side of the table which means he was looking at the side of my face clearly whereas I had to completely turn my head to look at him but that doesn't mean I don't see that way he is subtly looking at me. And since the table of crowded he was sitting very close to me, his legs were on either side of my legs for fucks sake. That's how close we were.

"I'll have to think of something else to make sure you are safe" his words from earlier, which is exactly what he was doing right now.

Abhimanyu ordered two Whiskey on the rocks. He not so subtly leaned towards me and whispered "I know you don't do cocktails baby. I ordered one for you" I turn my head towards him with a shock which was a mistake since now we are so close that I can kiss him by moving just a inch. And it was clear that he have the same thought as me. 

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