Chapter Fifty-three

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Chapter 53: 

Ishita's POV:

I couldn't sleep, Even with the wall of pillows in between Abhimanyu and me I can still feel his warmth all over my body and my thoughts are clouded with the images of Abhimanyu's hand all over me. It was not just lust that was keeping me awake but the intensity of whatever happened was too much for me to handle.

Abhimanyu looked like he's sleeping but something in my gut told me that he is as awake as I am but I don't call him out on his bluff as I needed some space to calm myself and think clearly which was difficult with him lying next to me.

I built this wall of pillows to place some distance between Abhimanyu and me which Abhimanyu opposed till the end.

"You'll regret this pillow wall when you crawl over to my side in sleep."

"It will be you who'll be crawling to my side and these pillows will stop you from doing that." I countered.

With the thought of telling Abhimanyu everything about my secrets and past tomorrow, I drifted to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of the alarm. I don't remember putting this ringtone on my alarm. God, it's so loud and irritating. But I don't have it in me to leave the warmth of my bed. I snuggled closer and tried to block the sound by putting my hands on my ears which was of little help.

The mattress moved a little and the irritating sound of the alarm clock stopped. Thank god, I snuggled deeper into the mattress– Wait, the mattress moved, how is that possible?

I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was Abhimanyu's face. He was looking at me with a teasing smile on his face. I looked around and saw pillows on both our sides and we were snuggled together where there was a pillow wall last night.

"Good morning roommate"

I tried to get up but Abhimayu tightened his hold on my waist and kept me in place.

"You don't have to run after losing"

"I didn't lose anything. Technically, I didn't crawl to your side. And why didn't you stick to your side in the first place"

"You have more pillows on your side than I have in mine so clearly you moved towards me more"

"You— forget it. It was a mistake I am moving back to my room starting right now"

I put both my hands on his chest and pushed myself away from his body but before I could finally unwrap myself from his hold I was jerked back to his chest this time my chest hitting with and our faces closer to each other

"I'll not let you take a step back right after you have taken one towards mine."

I looked at him in shock, his words were sincere you could clearly see it in his eyes. What do you want from me, Abhimanyu? I am trying very hard to keep my heart safe but he is making it very difficult for me.

"I am not comfortable sleeping in the same bed with you" I whisper not believing my own words.

Deep I know whatever I said was a lie. Truth is, I am comfortable with him being next to me but not with me lying to him. Maybe it will all be okay once I tell him everything.

Abhimanyu loses his hold on me like hurt clearly visible in his eyes. He leaves me and I wait for a few seconds for him to hold me again but he doesn't so I move aside. Rising to his feet, he makes his way towards the bathroom.

"You'll not have to sleep with me in the same bed. But you are not moving out of this room."

Before I can question him any further he shuts the door. 

Author's Note:

At this moment Abhimanyu and Ishita both have a secret they are hiding from each other. Abhimanyu is not telling her about her past and Ishita's secret is yet to be revealed. 

Is Abhimanyu doing the right thing by not telling her?

Happy Reading!!

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