Chapter Forty-Four

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Chapter 44:

It was hard to ignore Abhimanyu throughout the weekend as he for the very first time spent it in the house eating, laughing, and watching movies with me. He rarely went to his office to work. I was certain that something was up but he just said that he was trying to gain my trust and forgiveness for his behavior at the start of our marriage. It's not like I don't trust him, I do trust him but not completely. I have never trusted anyone completely in my life other than Maya.

It's hard to trust someone when you have been constantly put in a situation where you are chipped off at your ability to trust piece by piece from your childhood. Be it my mother running away to find a better life leaving me behind my dad becoming a workaholic to overcome the betrayal of my mother leaving me behind or the long line of nannies who hardly cared about me. Of course, there was Kavita Kaki who was my nanny for 10 years and a close mother figure in my life, she loved me like her own child but she too was snatched away from me when she died during my first year of college.

She was someone I looked up to and it was the first week of college I barely made any friends just Maya who I met on the first day and knew that we were going to be good friends if not best friends. I wanted Kaki to guide me, needed even but life had some other plans. Now that I think about it I guess my drinking and partying started to cope with the loss. She was family and her loss made me feel like an orphan. My dad was hardly in the picture since mom left us and she was my nanny for 2 years of the said incident.

Life taught me not to trust or even rely on someone completely. So I am not sure how to give the trust to Abhimanyu he is looking for. And with all the efforts Abhimanyu has been putting to gain my trust it is getting harder and harder for me to keep my secret to myself. I want to share it with him but there is never a right time and also I fear his reaction.

Today is Monday and I am trying to keep myself by cleaning Abhimanyu's desk since he is off to some mysterious meeting of his. The reason I am calling it a mysterious meeting is because it was not added to his calendar and he cancelled all his meetings for today to attend this meeting. A small part of me is upset since he didn't inform me about this meeting not even as a secretary. But a very big part of me was glad as I needed this alone time to think.

I was busy in my thoughts and sorting Abhimanyu's files when he entered his cabin looking exhausted and went straight to his chair and was sitting with his elbows on the table and his head in between in hands.

The next thing I know I am moving towards him and massaging his shoulders. I didn't like seeing him like this so upset and worried.

He stiffened for a moment then relaxed realizing it was me

"What are you doing here Ishita?" he asked putting his hand on my hands and turning to face me.

"I am trying to massage your shoulders" he made me sit on his lap which in other circumstances would have made me uncomfortable but for some reason I was comfortable.

"I can see that but why?"

"You seemed stressed and I wanted to relieve your stress"

"Thank you," he said and hugged me keeping his head in the crook of my neck and inhaling my scent as if it was relaxing for him.

"Regretting going to your mysterious meeting?" I asked trying to keep my heartbeat steady.

"I have many regrets Ishita, starting from how I behaved with you in the start. But this meeting was important for me."

"Abhimanyu, I can't say it is all in the past, but I forgive you. I know how hard you have been trying to correct all your mistakes and I appreciate it." he held my hand and made me sit in his lap.

"I will spend my entire life making it up to you, I promise." he cupped my cheeks and kissed my forehead before hugging me once again.

"I don't know what the meeting was about and why you are upset, but I know you and you'll figure it out. Whatever it is, it will all be okay in the end." I felt his nod of head on my shoulders and his arms tighten around me but he didn't say anything after this.

I wanted to move but I just couldn't bring myself to leave his embrace not when he needed it. I was still seated on his lap and he was hugging me with his head softly pressed on my shoulders in a way that I could feel his breath on my neck, one hand was drawing small patterns on my wrists and his other hand had a firm hold on my waist for which I was thankful.

There was a sudden knock on the door which startled both of us and seconds later a figure emerged drowning us in the realization that the door was not locked. 


Author's Note: 

So who can it be? Any guesses?

I am sorry for the long wait. I have finally updated the chapter.

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