The boys are trying to help Elijah!

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Nathan hung up the phone and Elijah starts crying. He knew it was going to be Asher that got hurt in the end. Lucas is rubbing his back and Luke, Maverick, and Liam walk in. They all sit down, and they talk. 

(Lu) What's wrong?

(L) Asher broke up with Carter today. 

(M) Why?

(E) We lied to his face at lunch time. Asher called us out on it. He said if we do not trust Carter then he can't. Now Carter won't speak with Nathan. Asher won't speak with any of us. He said he doesn't trust any of us. 

(L) The only one that he may trust is Liam. He did not say he wouldn't trust him. 

(Li) Do you want me to go talk to him?

(Lu) I can do it. 

(M) I will do it. We can tell Carter. 

(E) We can't, if your parents find out they will be mad. 

(M) I would rather them find out then lose my relationship with Luke or Asher. 

(E) Let's just try to come up with a plan. 

Liam's phone dings and he reads the message. 

(Li) I will be back. 

(E) Where are you going?

(Li) Asher heard my voice and he asked to speak. 

(M) Can you ask him to come and speak with all of us?

(Li) I will ask him. 

(Lu) Thank you. 

Liam gets up and goes to Asher's room. Asher hugs him and they sit on the bed. They will talk. 

(A) I am sorry to ask you. I need help. 

(Li) Come on, I don't mind helping. 

(A) Thank you. 

Liam helps Asher to the bathroom and he uses it. Liam helps him wipe and they wash their hands. They sit back on the bed. 

(Li) The boys really want to talk to you. 

(A) No thank you. 

(Li) Baby, you have to talk to them. 

(A) Why?

(Li) They are your brothers. They love you and so do I. Carter, Maverick, and Nathan love you too. 

(A) I can't trust Carter. I want to still be friends, but I don't think that is going to happen. 

(Li) I think they are coming over for dinner. 

(A) Can you ask if I can eat in here please. Carter can come in here with me. I don't want to be around them. 

(Li) I will talk to Elijah and send him in here. You ask him and I promise I will have your back. I love you. 

(A) I love you too. 

(Li) I will send Elijah in here. 

(A) Ok. 

Liam gets up and he walks to the living room. 

(Li) Elijah, could you go and speak with Asher. He wants to eat in his room alone with Carter. He is not ready to be around everyone yet. 

(E) Ok. 

Elijah gets up and he knocks on the door. He walks in and he stares at Asher. He stays standing by the door and him and Asher will speak. 

(E) You can eat in here. 

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