Will there be a spanking?

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Lucas and Luke have gone to Walmart to get Asher some new clothes. Elijah and Asher stay at home. After Lucas and Luke left, Asher bent over Elijah's knee for a spanking. Elijah pulled him onto his lap for a talk. This conversation will be between Elijah(E) and Asher(A). 

(E) Let's talk before we do a spanking. Does that sound like a plan?

(A) What kind of talk?

(E) I need to ask you a bunch of questions and I need you to answer all of them. I need you to tell the truth. Can you do that?

(A) I don't know. 

(E) What do you mean?

(A) It just depends on the question. 

(E) I need the honest answer, or you will get spanked. 

(A) I will try. If I can't answer, can you just spank me?

(E) You would rather me spank you. Then you tell me the truth? 

Asher starts crying. Elijah starts rubbing his back and he jerks forward and lets out a small yell. Elijah immediately removes his hand and looks concerned for his little brother. Asher stops crying and he looks at Elijah.

(A) Can we start with the questions please?

(E) Why did mom and dad only let you eat on certain days?

(A) They said I would become too fat, and they were in charge. 

(E) Why didn't you have a lot of clothes or shoes at home. When we lived at home our closets were full. 

(A) I am not sure on that one. They always told me I had enough, and they needed to save money. 

(E) Ok, I know that's a lie. Do you want to change that answer?

(A) They said it is because I am dumb, useless, and don't deserve anything. 

(E) Why would they say that?

(A) Do I have to tell you?

(E) Yes. 

(A) They said I was a mistake child. They said I am the reason you all left us. Then all they had was the worthless child. 

Elijah freeze's up. How could his parents tell an eleven-year-old child he is worthless. His other brothers were so close to him, that is why they moved with him when he left for college. 

(E) That is not true. You are not a mistake. Guess what though?

(A) What?

(E) You are not their child anymore.

(A) I'm not?

(E) No, you are mine. I signed papers to take custody of you and adopt you. Now I am your parent. So, I promise things will be different. 

(A) They didn't want me anymore?

Tears start forming in Asher's eye. Elijah needs to lie but he decides to tell the truth. He cannot expect Asher to tell the truth if he lies. 

(E) They did not. They called me and asked if I would take you. They gave all of us a ton of money. We are all set. Once you turn eighteen. You will have one million dollars. 

(A) Oh, I see. 

Asher gets a sad look on his face and looks down. Elijah gets confused then it hits him. He gently lifts Asher's chin up. 

(E) I would have taken you without the money. I promise you that buddy. You are my brother and I love you. I took both Lucas and Luke without money. They offered it and I made sure we would all be taken care of. 

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