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⋆☾⋆࿔࿐⋆𓇼⋆࿐ ࿔⋆☾⋆ Kai'wä ⋆☾⋆࿔࿐⋆𓇼⋆࿐ ࿔⋆☾⋆

After the first stressful day of playing the girlfriend of the future Olo'eyktan and an adequate sleep, there's only one thing I want to do.

As usual, I wake at the first strip of golden light along the twilit, sapphire ocean and slip out of my marui before Rotxo or Kamari even stir.

Spear clutched in my hand, I stalk silently along the beach to the warrior grounds.

Tìreynu isn't empty, much to my disappointment.

I had been hoping to get a few hours of practise in before my scheduled fake dating time with Aonung, yet as I approach, I notice a very familiar large figure lying on the floor.

"Aonung," I nudge him with my foot.

He grunts slightly, and I kneel beside him.

"What are you doing here so early? And why are you sleeping in Tìreynu?"

"Hmmm, 'm tired," he mumbles, still pillowing his face in his arms and out of sight.

I fight an urge to smile; he's just like a sleepy little kid.

"You shouldn't be here," I tell him.

"You're here," he points out. "And I'm allowed to be here- no one can really get me in trouble can they?"

"Not everyone gets to be the Olo'eyktans son," I say grudgingly, straightening up and leaving him lying on the sand as I move onto Tìreynu into my circle.

Aonung just nods sleepily, and I wrinkle my nose at him.

"Lazy ass," I mutter under my breath.

"What was that princess?" he asks, sleepily looking up at me.

"I said, I'm so glad that my darling boyfriend is here to keep me such great company," I say with a falsely large smile. "I'm delighted how enthusiastic you are today."

"Hey," he protests, rolling onto his side so he can keep me in sight without sitting up.

Lazy ass, I think again.

"I didn't ask you to come this early," I point out. "You're more than welcome to go home and sleep in."

"Nah," he says, rubbing his face tiredly. "You'd miss me."

"Guaranteed that I wouldn't," I say bluntly. "You're distracting me from training."

"You know," Aonung says, staring at me closely. "I thought you were meant to be all sweet and nice."

"What's that supposed to mean," I grunt, stretching out my legs and not bothering to look back at him.

"You're always so sweet to everyone," he shrugs. "Maybe its all just a ruse until you can catch a guy."

"Yeah," I say sardonically, rolling my eyes. "Now I can be my true self now I've pulled you baby."

Aonung chuckles a little.

"Are you going to have your little beauty sleep or come train," I sigh, finishing my stretches and placing my hands on my hips.

"Fine," he sighs, "I'm coming mama."

I wrinkle my nose at him as he drags himself up and over.

He is about half a head taller than me, much broader and stronger than I am.

I study him as he approaches, my eyes roaming from the way his shoulders are held and the way his tail moves behind him.

"What, checking me out?" Aonung grins, noticing the way I study him.

𝐈𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭   ༊࿐   ᴀᴏɴᴜɴɢ x ᴏᴄWhere stories live. Discover now