Chapter 16

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I was wandering outside the house, surrounded by tall trees that seemed to have been planted here for a long time. Clara was out of town, visiting her childhood friend and crush, Jason, who happened to be Beta James's son. She held onto the hope that Jason could be her mate—a dream come true for her. I prayed to the Moon Goddess for her wishes to come true.

Alpha Theodore hadn't been around, and I began to wonder where he was. Reflecting on my emotional outburst from the previous day, I questioned whether I had let my feelings get the best of me. I regretted not keeping my thoughts to myself as I walked among the trees, lost in the beauty of nature. My moment of reverie was disrupted when I slipped into a trap and tumbled into a ditch.

Pain throbbed throughout my body after the fall, leaving me unable to stand. Bruises and a possible ankle sprain left me feeling clumsy. Attempting to climb out of the deep ditch proved futile, and I couldn't help but wonder if anyone would come to my aid. Tearfully, I contemplated that this might be the end of my life, until a voice from above startled me.

"Trouble seems to follow you, huh?" Alpha Theodore's voice cut through the despair, unexpectedly offering a glimmer of hope. Though I wasn't thrilled to see him, tears welled up as I looked at him and begged for assistance. He contemplated for a moment before leaping into the ditch.

"Can you stand?" Alpha Theodore inquired, assessing the extent of my injuries. With an admission that I had likely sprained my ankle, he hoisted me up and carried me back to the house. Once in my room, he placed me on the bed and left the room.

Upon his return, Alpha Theodore admonished Meredith for her lack of care and competence. I interjected, asserting that the blame rested solely on me, not Meredith. My words seemed to disappoint him. As Meredith left the room, Alpha Theodore's authoritative presence lingered, his voice echoing.

"Look at me, Vivian," he commanded. I obeyed, though I couldn't meet his gaze.

"How could you be so careless?" he chided. He expressed concern over my penchant for getting hurt and warned that continued recklessness would lead to home arrest. He managed a chuckle, remarking on the trap's effectiveness. Just as I was about to respond, Beta James entered with another individual.

"Vivian, meet James, Beta of the Nightfall Pack, and Henry, the pack doctor," he introduced. Henry conducted an examination, tending to my wounds and taking a blood sample, which puzzled me. With their departure, I found myself alone with Alpha Theodore.

My growling stomach prompted a chuckle from him. He left and returned with food, staying by my side. I ate food in silence. With a kind smile, Alpha Theodore inquired if I'd like to go outside for some fresh air.

I replied back, "Yes" I sprained my ankle, so I had trouble walking properly. He seemed to realize that I was having a hard time standing, so he offered to carry me outside. I accepted his offer; it would have been foolish of me not to. We sat on the bench and looked at the sunset. It was surreal and beautiful. The silence prompted me to break the ice.

"You didn't come home yesterday. Where were you?" He's been a little cold toward me since yesterday.

"I don't want you to feel uncomfortable," He replied without giving further explanation.

"You know this is your house, and you can stay here. I apologize for my outburst yesterday," I replied, offering a genuine smile. I felt bad about making him leave his own house.

"Do you want to have dinner with me?" He asked, his eyes filled with hope.

"Of course," I was about to reply when Meredith came in to inform us that the nurse had arrived to check up on me. We got up and headed inside the house.

The nurse greeted us, and we entered my room for the examination. She looked at my wounds and appeared shocked. Alpha Theodore asked her if anything was wrong. Clearing her throat, she hesitated before speaking.

"She should be healed by now, but it seems like it will take another day for her to heal completely. It's unusual for a wolf to heal this slowly," she explained. "I've brought you medicine prescribed by the doctor. I'll change your bandages and clean the wounds. If you experience any pain, don't hesitate to call the doctor." With the wounds attended to, the nurse left the room. Alpha went outside for a private conversation with the nurse.


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