Chapter 76

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Song Jiao woke up in the early morning, she opened her eyes and saw the chandelier on the ceiling of the master bedroom.

On the side of the ear is the sound of her lover's subtle and even breathing. This sound makes her feel at ease. Xu Jinchao is still there, which is good.

Song Jiao pulled the quilt on her body, a separate one.

She remembered that when she fell asleep, she was clearly crammed into Xu Jinzhao's quilt, took half of her pillow, and fell asleep hugging Alpha's soft body.

Obviously after she fell asleep, she rolled out of Xu Jinchao's bedding range and returned to her side of the bed.

Song Jiao carefully turned her body, trying her best not to make a sound.

There was already a dim light in the room, and she counted the time she slept. It was about half past six in the morning.

When she turned around and lay on her side facing Xu Jinzao, she was satisfied to see that the other party was also sleeping peacefully in the same position.

Seeing the sleeping face of a beautiful girlfriend as soon as I wake up is always better than looking at the back of my head with tousled hair.

Song Jiao didn't move anymore, she quietly shrank in her quilt, and stared at the person beside her pillow through the faint light from the curtain.

Xu Jinchao slept soundly.

This time, she didn't clench her brows, her long and heroic brows were stretched out, her eyelashes were drooping, and she looked peaceful and relaxed.

Song Jiao repeatedly traced her face with her eyes, and swept along the sharp and sharp outline of her bones.

She had kissed every inch of this beautiful face with her lips yesterday, and now it is inconvenient to disturb the other party, so she can feel and engrave it with a more gentle and restrained gaze.

Song Jiao didn't know how long she had watched Xu Jinchao, but she only knew that she hoped to stare forever and not let this morning end.

The wish is very beautiful, but the light projected into the room is gradually brightening, making people feel the passage of time, and understand that fantasy is only fantasy after all.

Sounds began to come from all around.

At first, it was just some movement from Aunt Li downstairs after getting up, but later there were vague human voices, dog barking, and the sound of car engine starting...

These sounds are not loud, and after coming through the window, there is only a little movement that is not very obvious.

But Song Jiao's hearing is sensitive, and she is looking forward to the bright sky, so that the quiet morning time will continue forever, and the small noise in her ears will make a loud noise, as if the neighbors who are walking their dogs in the morning are wandering under the window, driving out. Garage cars run over eardrums.

Omega puffed up involuntarily, complaining in his heart that time was too fast, hating the world against him.

She didn't get up. After all, her father didn't need her to take care of him. He was a middle-aged man with twice as much experience as himself, and he was only five years apart from society.

Song Jiao left him cash and cards yesterday, and planned to go to the old building at ten o'clock, so that she could lie down until Xu Jinchao also woke up.

After an unknown period of time, she noticed that Alpha was moving his arms unconsciously, and slowly kicked and kicked the quilt, making a vague sound.

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